
The Short Line War

Read by Betsie Bush

Samuel Merwin and Samuel Merwin, Sr.

"The Short Line War is a story that will appeal more particularly to the sterner sex, and we take it that the hyphenated name, Merwin-W…

The Widow's House

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Sarah Orne Jewett

LibriVox volunteers bring you 12 recordings of The Widows' House by Sarah Orne Jewett. This was the Fortnightly Poetry project for November …

The Opening Window

Read by Vic Zarley

Vic Zarley

A few months ago people began encouraging me to write the story of my spiritual journey from New Age back to Christianity. This is it. It ha…

The Social History of Smoking

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

George L. Apperson

This work tells the history of smoking in England from the social point of view. Thus it does not deal with the history of tobacco growing o…

Long Ago

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Christina Rossetti

LibriVox volunteers bring you 12 recordings of Long Ago by Christina G. Rossetti. This was the Weekly Poetry project for December 9, 2012.Ch…

The Golden Book of the Dutch Navigators

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Hendrik Van Loon

This is a story of magnificent failures. The men who equipped the expeditions of which I shall tell you the story died in the poorhouse. The…

Migration of Birds

Read by Sue Anderson

U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service and U. S. Fish And Wildlife Service

Snow Geese which left James Bay, Canada, arrived at the Louisiana Gulf coast "60 hours later after a continuous flight of over 1,700 mi…

William the Conqueror

Read by Cavaet

Edward Freeman

A brief history of the rise and reign of Duke William of Normandy, King of England. Also known as William the Bastard, and William the Great…

Jailed For Freedom

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Doris Stevens

A first-hand account of the 1913-1919 campaign of American suffragettes, detailing their treatment at the hands of the courts, and the true …

Unknown London (version 2)

Read by Janet

Walter George Bell

For anyone interested in history or who think they know London, Eighteen London secrets will be explored in detail. - Summary by Janet 99

Mars and Its Canals

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Percival Lowell

In the days before telescope photography, astronomers had to draw what they thought they saw through the eyepiece throughout the long dark n…

The Book of the Bush

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

George Dunderdale

"While the world was young, nations could be founded peaceably. There was plenty of unoccupied country, and when two neighbouring patri…

The Mentor 1

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


The Mentor Association was established to increase interest and knowledge among the public in the areas of art, literature, science, nature,…

Out of Mulberry Street

Read by Lee Smalley

Jacob A. Riis

These riveting accounts by Jacob A. Riis are from the late 19th century, when lower Manhattan was teeming with struggling, near-starving imm…

The Hawaiian Archipelago

Read by Jane Bennett

Isabella L. Bird

Six months among the palm groves, coral reefs, and volcanoes of the Sandwich Islands. - Summary by Isabella Bird

The French Revolution Volume 2 The Constitution

Read by Gillian Hendrie

Thomas Carlyle

Thomas Carlyle, the Scottish essayist, philosopher, and historian, wrote this three-volume work, first published in 1837 (with a revised edi…

A-Birding on a Bronco

Read by J. M. Smallheer

Florence A. Merriam and Florence A. Merriam Bailey

Florence Augusta Merriam Bailey was an American ornithologist and nature writer. She started observing bird behavior at a time when most bir…

Flowers and Ferns in their Haunts

Read by Bellona Times

Mabel Osgood Wright

Pleasant non-fiction journey into the backwoods of the New England coastal countryside by the first president of the Connecticut Audubon Soc…

The School Book of Forestry

Read by KHand

Charles Lathrop Pack

Written by a third-generation timberman, this book discusses what forests are, their primary enemies, and their benefits to others. Additio…

Beacon Lights of History, Vol 9: European Statesmen

Read by KHand

John Lord

Continuing the Beacon Lights of History Series, Mr. Lord discusses important European Statesmen Mirabeau, Edmund Burke, Napoleon, Prince Met…

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