The Lives of the Most Excellent Italian Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, from Cimabue to Our Times (in the original Italian, Le Vite de'…
This book was curated by the State Federation of Pennsylvania Women for tourists' use on a journey to Pennsylvania. Each of Pennsylvania's 6…
Leopold von Ranke was a German Lutheran historian and a founder of modern historical writing based on primary sources. This is a panoramic a…
From the preface: "For thirty years I have devoted myself to the practical problems of the glove industry, and my connection with one o…
The Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society was active from the late 1880s until the outbreak of WWI. It was influential in the development of th…
Else T., Tochter eines Wiener Rechtsanwalts, befindet sich für einige Urlaubstage in einem italienischen Kurort. Dort bekommt sie einen…
This collection includes two texts written to accompany two blockbuster art exhibitions: Every man his own art critic at the Manchester Exhi…