
Quem casa, quer casa

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Luis Carlos Martins Pena and Luís Carlos Martins Pena

Comedia dramática que descreve as confusões e as brigas de uma família onde mais de um casal vive na mesma casa. Retrat…

The Goon Show

The Goons

The Goon Show (1950s):  Ultimate Goons 151 Episodes of a madcap British radio comedy, starring Peter Sellers, Spike Milligan and Harry …

The Admirable Bashville

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

George Bernard Shaw

The Admirable Bashville is a product of the British law of copyright. As that law stands at present, the first person who patches up a stage…

The Old Debauchees

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Henry Fielding

Young Laroon plans to marry Isabel, but Father Martin manipulates Isabel's father, Jourdain, in order to seduce Isabel. However, other chara…

Meet Corliss Archer 10 Eps


(10 Episodes) “Meet Corliss Archer” The first broadcasting of CBS's “Meet Corliss Archer” (with Campbell's Soup as their sponsor) was April …

Archie Andrews - OTR

Archie Andrews was a teenage sitcom directly adapted from the very popular comic strip of Bob Montana. It began to be heard on NBC Blue on M…

Rosalynde or, Euphues' Golden Legacie

Read by Thomas A. Copeland

Thomas Lodge

This novel, which Shakespeare adapted in his pastoral comedy As You Like It, is the archetypal pastoral adventure. Two young persons of high…

Sears Radio Theatre - OTR

Sears Radio Theater was a radio drama anthology series which ran weeknightly on CBS Radio in 1979, sponsored by the Sears chain. Often paire…

Measure For Measure

Read by Tony Addison

William Shakespeare

Described as a "problem play" Measure for Measure is only as much a problem as life itself is- that is, are there any easy answers…

The Mistress of the Inn (La locandiera)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Carlo Goldoni

Mirandolina runs an inn in Florence alone with only the help of her loyal employee Fabricius, and all of her guests are in love with her. Th…

My Favorite Husband 49 10 21 0059 Superstition


A chirping cricket in Liz and George's hearth is driving George crazy, but Liz is convinced that it means good luck.

Bob Hope 41 06 03 Guest Humphrey Bogart


Bob and guest Humphrey Bogart do a jailhouse sketch.

Bristow - A BBC Radio comedy

BBC Radio 4

Michael Williams stars in all three series of the BBC Radio 4 sitcom based on Frank Dickens’ famous comic strip character. Bristow is a midd…

The Silver Box

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

John Galsworthy

This is a lovely comedy about the theft of a prostitute's purse by a rich 'young man of good family. It is placed beside the theft of a silv…

The Princess Zoubaroff

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Ronald Firbank

The Princess Zoubaroff is a witty, subversive, and unbelievably suggestive play, far ahead of its time. Through razor-sharp dialogue and out…

Fanny and the Servant Problem

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Jerome K. Jerome

"It is so sad when relations don't get on together." "Sadder still when they think they've got a right to trample on you, jus…

Gevleugelde Daden

Read by Bart de Leeuw

Herman Heijermans, Jr.

Het boek Gevleugelde Daden van Herman Heijermans Jr. werd uitgegeven in 1911 (sommige bronnen zeggen 1908) onder het pseudoniem Samuel Falkl…

There is a Tavern in the Town

Read by iremonger

James Stephens

The soul of Irish wit is captured in this unique tale of a barstool philosopher, the concluding story from 'Here Are Ladies' by James Stephe…

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