
The Divine Comedy

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Dante Alighieri

The Divine Comedy (Italian: Commedia, later christened "Divina" by Giovanni Boccaccio), written by Dante Alighieri between 1308 an…

Paradise Lost

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

John Milton

Paradise Lost is the first epic of English literature written in the classical style. John Milton saw himself as the intellectual heir of Ho…

The Iliad (Pope Translation)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


Homer’s Iliad is the first great work of Western literature. Composed in twenty-four books of Greek hexameter poetry, it portrays the events…

La Divina Comedia

Read by Tux

Dante Alighieri

A la mitad del viaje de nuestra vida, me encontré en una selva oscura por haberme apartado del camino recto. ¡Ah! ¡Cuan p…

The Iliad

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


The Iliad, together with the Odyssey, is one of two ancient Greek epic poems traditionally attributed to Homer. The poem is commonly dated t…

Beowulf (version 2)

Read by Tad E.

Unknowntranslated Byfrancis Barton Gummere and Translated Byfrancis Barton Gummere

Beowulf was composed by an anonymous Anglo-Saxon poet. Francis Barton Gummere translates this beautiful poem. Beowulf is an epic poem. The m…

The Iliad of Homer

Read by StephenC


"The Iliad is an epic poem in dactylic hexameters, traditionally attributed to Homer. Set in the Trojan War, the ten-year siege of Iliu…

La Ilíada

Read by Tux


La Ilíada de Homero es un poema épico compuesto en dialecto homérico por veinticuatro cantos (15.688 hexámetros …

Das Nibelungenlied

Read by Christian Al-Kadi

Unknowntranslated Bykarl Joseph Simrock and Translated Bykarl Joseph Simrock

Das Nibelungenlied ist ein mittelalterliches Heldenepos und wurde oft als „Nationalepos der Deutschen“ bezeichnet. Es entstand zu Beginn des…

Paradise Lost (version 2)

Read by Thomas A. Copeland

John Milton

As Vergil had surpassed Homer by adapting the epic form to celebrate the origin of the author’s nation, Milton developed it yet further to r…

The Aeneid

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


The Aeneid is a Latin epic written by Virgil in the 1st century BC that tells the legendary story of Aeneas, a Trojan who traveled to Italy,…

Os Lusíadas

Read by zaaf

Luís Vaz de Camões

Camões (1524-1580) é o maior poeta da nossa língua, e Os Lusíadas a sua obra maior. Publicada em 1572, é …

Paradise Regained

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

John Milton

Paradise Regained is a poem by the 17th century English poet John Milton, published in 1671. It is connected by name to his earlier and more…

The Mahabharata by Vyasa: The epic of ancient India condensed into English verse

Read by om123

Romesh C. Dutt

The Mahabharata is one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India. Traditionally, the authorship of the Mahabharata is attributed to V…

The Aeneid, prose translation

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


The Aeneid is the most famous Latin epic poem, written by Virgil in the 1st century BC. The story revolves around the legendary hero Aeneas,…

The Song of Hiawatha

Read by Peter Yearsley

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I sing the Song of Hiawatha,Brave of heart and strong of arm.Daughter's son of old Nokomis,Fathered by the harsh West Wind.With its regular,…

The Odysseys of Homer

Read by Phil Schempf


The Odysseys are a collection of stories about Ulysses' journey home from the war at Troy purportedly written in the 8th century BCE by Home…

The Faerie Queene Version 2

Read by Thomas A. Copeland

Edmund Spenser

Spenser planned a 24-book romance-epic consisting of two parts, of which he completed half of the first. The first twelve books were to illu…

The Ballad of the White Horse

Read by Joshua B. Christensen

G. K. Chesterton

An English epic poem that follows the exploits of Alfred the Great in his defense of Christian civilization in England from the heathen nihi…

The Song Celestial; Or, Bhagavad-Gîtâ

Read by Jothi Tharavant

Unknowntranslated Bysir Edwin Arnold and Translated Bysir Edwin Arnold

This work is a unique rendering of the Bagavad Gita by a well known poet. It is faithful to the text and yet does not read like a translatio…

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