Essays & Short Works

Give Me Liberty

Read by Mark F. Smith

Patrick Henry

This speech was given March 23, 1775, at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia, and is credited with having singlehandedly convinced the V…

United States Historical Documents

Read by Michael Scherer


The Articles of Confederation: On November 15th, 1777 The Articles of Confederation became the first constitution of the United States, thou…

The Road

Read by Barry Eads

Jack London

Jack London credited his skill of story-telling to the days he spent as a hobo learning to fabricate tales to get meals from sympathetic str…

The Superstition of Divorce

Read by Ray Clare

G. K. Chesterton

This short book was written in 1920, and in it Chesterton, with his usual wit and incisive logic, presents a series of articles defending ma…

A Discourse Upon the Origin and the Foundation of the Inequality Among Mankind

Read by ej

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

This work presents Rousseau's belief in the profoundly transformational effects of the development of civilization on human nature, which Ro…

A Modest Proposal

Read by John Gonzalez

Jonathan Swift

Jonathan Swift almost defines satire in this biting and brutal pamphlet in which he suggests that poor (Catholic) Irish families should fatt…

Essays, First Series

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“We live in succession, in division, in parts, in particles. Meantime within man is the soul of the whole; the wise silence; the universal b…

The Alhambra: A Series Of Tales And Sketches Of The Moors And Spaniards

Read by David Wales

Washington Irving

This is a collection of essays, verbal sketches, and stories by Washington Irving. Irving lived at the Alhambra Palace while writing some of…

Sadhana, The Realisation of Life, version 2

Read by Peter Yearsley

Rabindranath Tagore

A collection of essays on the Hindu/Buddhist view of humankind's place in the universe. As the author says in his introduction: "in the…


Read by G.K. Chesterton

G. K. Chesterton

"Orthodoxy," a series of essays by Gilbert Keith Chesterton. First published in 1908. "The only possible excuse for this boo…

The Morals (Moralia), Book 1

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Lucius Mestrius Plutarchus

The Moralia (or The morals or Matters relating to customs and mores) is a work by the 1st-century Greek scholar Plutarch of Chaeronea. It is…

The World I Live In

Read by Laura Caldwell

Helen Keller

The World I Live In by Helen Keller is a collection of essays that poignantly tells of her impressions of the world, through her sense of to…

Wit and Wisdom of Chesterton

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

G. K. Chesterton

This little volume, issued as a gift book for lovers of Mr. Chesterton's writings in 1911, is made up from essays to be found in "The D…

Eugenics and Other Evils

Read by Ray Clare

G. K. Chesterton

Most Eugenists are Euphemists. I mean merely that short words startle them, while long words soothe them. And they are utterly incapable of …

Евреи и Россия (Jews and Russia)

Read by Mark Chulsky

Ze'Ev Jabotinsky

Собрание статей 1903-1912 гг., которые заложили идейную основу сионистскому движению в Российской Империи и во всем мире.В 2014 году исполня…

A Dictionary of English Synonymes, Vol. 01

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Richard Soule

A Dictionary of English Synonymes and Synonymous or Parallel Expressions, Designed as a Practical Guide to Aptness and Variety of Phraseolog…

The Valley of the Moon

Read by Richard Kilmer (1942 - 2022)

Jack London

The novel Valley of the Moon is a story of a working-class couple, Billy and Saxon Roberts, struggling laborers in Oakland at the Turn-of-th…

Catholic and Anti-Catholic History

Read by Janet Baker


G.K. Chesterton and James Walsh join Hilaire Belloc in an energetic rollout of the means by which history becomes propaganda, to the damage,…

Essays book 1

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Michel Eyquem De Montaigne

Michel Eyquem de Montaigne is one of the most influential writers of the French Renaissance, known for popularising the essay as a literary …

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