General Fiction

The Short Line War

Read by Betsie Bush

Samuel Merwin and Samuel Merwin, Sr.

"The Short Line War is a story that will appeal more particularly to the sterner sex, and we take it that the hyphenated name, Merwin-W…

The Jolly Parisiennes and Other Novelettes

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Émile Zola

“The Jolly Parisiennes” by Émile Zola is a very clever, brilliant and interesting romance of a “grande passion” with an undercurrent …

Secret history revealed by Lady Peggy O'Malley

Read by John

Charles Norris Williamson and Alice Muriel Williamson

"If, two years ago, when I was sixteen, I hadn’t wanted money to buy a white frock with roses on it, which I saw in Selfridge’s window,…

Multilingual Fairy Tale Collection 003

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

In LibriVox’s Multilingual Fairy Tale Collection, LibriVox volunteers read their favourite public-domain fairy tales. This is a collection o…

The Fortunes of Philippa

Read by Arielle Lipshaw

Angela Brazil

The Fortunes of Philippa is based on the author's mother, Angelica Brazil, who had grown up in Rio de Janeiro and attended an English boardi…


Read by Bart de Leeuw

Jacob Israël De Haan

Joop en Sam wonen samen bij Juffrouw Meks in de Amsterdamse volksbuurt de Pijp.De vroeg-20ste-eeuwse, impressionistische roman Pijpelijntjes…

Passionate Shepherd to His Love (version 2)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Christopher Marlowe

LibriVox volunteers bring you 17 recordings of The Passionate Shepherd to His Love by Christopher Marlowe. This was the Fortnightly Poetry p…

The Day-Dream

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Thomas Moore

LibriVox volunteers bring you 9 recordings of The Day-Dream by Sir Thomas Moore. This was the fortnightly poetry project for July 12th, 2009…

The Whole Family: a Novel by Twelve Authors

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


A 1908 NaNoWriMo forerunner, told in twelve chapters, each with a different author. The basic plot was to show how an engagement or marriage…

Als de natuur roept

Read by Edith van der Have-Raats

Jack London

Als de Natuur Roept (The Call of the Wild) is een roman van de Amerikaanse schrijver Jack London. Het verhaal gaat over een eerder gedomesti…

For Fifteen Years

Read by Deanna Bovee

Louis Ulbach

For Fifteen Years by Louis Ulbach is the sequel to The Steel Hammer which tells the story of a poor upholsterer, Jean Mortier who is falsely…

Little Sister Snow (version 2)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Frances Little

This is a story of a little Japanese girl, her life in Japan and her loves. The story opens just before the festival of Hinamatsuri on the t…

The Story Of A Modern Woman

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Ella Hepworth Dixon

"This touching short novel tells the story of Mary Earl, a woman who has to fend for herself in London at the end of the 19th century. …

The Pit

Read by Delmar H Dolbier

Frank Norris

The Trilogy of The Epic of the Wheat includes the following novels: THE OCTOPUS,, a Story of California.THE PIT, a Story of Chicago.THE WOL…

Pointed Roofs

Read by Grant Hurlock

Dorothy Richardson

Miriam Henderson is one of what novelist Dolf Wyllarde (in her great work, The Pathway of the Pioneer) termed "nous autres," i.e.,…

Something Childish, but very Natural

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

LibriVox volunteers bring you 10 recordings of Something Childish, but very Natural by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. This was the Weekly Poetry p…

Lifted Masks

Read by Arielle Lipshaw

Susan Glaspell

In this collection of short stories, Susan Glaspell examines the unique character of America and its people. (Summary by wildemoose)

The Ordeal of Richard Feverel

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

George Meredith

After his wife's desertion, Sir Austin wants to bring up his son according to a strict educational system governing every aspect of his life…

Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard

Read by Peter Eastman

Eleanor Farjeon

The wandering minstrel Martin Pippin finds a lovelorn ploughman who begs him to visit the orchard where his beloved has been locked in the w…

Langs een omweg

Read by Anna Simon

A. L. G. Bosboom-Toussaint

Regina van Berchem is een steenrijke jonge vrouw, die na het overlijden van haar vader intrekt bij haar oom in de stad X. Ze raakt verbitter…

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