Historical Fiction

The Lion's Brood

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Duffield Osborne

"Centuries come and go; but the plot of the drama is unchanged, and the same characters play the same parts. Only the actors cast for t…

De scharlaken letter

Read by Marcel Coenders

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Het werk is een tafereel van het booze in den mensch. Er treden weinig personen in op, maar toch is er handeling genoeg. De hoofdpersoon is …

Yellow Butterflies

Read by Lee Smalley

Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews

The title of this historical fiction could as well have been "A Soldier’s Mother" or “An Unknown Soldier”. There are indeed butter…

The House on the Scar

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Bertha Thomas

A superior Victorian Romance. Full from bow to stern with secret romance, jealousies and confrontations of culture and cultures. This autho…

Tiempos difíciles

Read by Lu

Charles Dickens

Con esta novela ambientada en la era de la revolución industrial, en una imaginada localidad londinense cuyo pueblo vive bajo el adoc…


Read by Harri Tapani Ylilammi

Heinrich Zschokke

Kaleri-orja on saksalais-sveitsiläinen kirjailijaijan ja pedagogin Heinrich Zschokken lyhyt ja koskettava kertomus, joka sijoittuu 1600…

Het Leven van Hillegonda Buisman - deel 1

Read by Marcel Coenders

Adriaan Loosjes Pzn.

Een levensbeschrijving van de ideale Hollandse vrouw uit het midden van de 17de eeuw. Deel 1: Van de geboorte tot een ontluikende liefde - …

The Shagganappi

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

E. Pauline Johnson

Tales of adventure in the context of white and first nations peoples interacting in North America, told by Tekahionwake, Haudenosaunee of Si…

The White Conquerors: A Tale of Toltec and Aztec

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Kirk Munroe

This historical romance is a telling of the fall of the Aztec Empire. The epic begins on the eve of the dedication ceremony of the monumenta…

Petticoat Government, Volume 2

Read by Mark Leder

Frances Milton Trollope

The further adventures of young Judith Maitland in the clerical close of Westhampton. - Summary by Mark Leder

Garthowen: A Story of a Welsh Homestead

Read by Craig Franklin

Allen Raine

The story centers around the Owens' family and young ‘Morva of the Moor’, the prettiest girl in the world.The Owens of Garthowen, once a pre…

Catherine: A Story

Read by Mark Leder

William Makepeace Thackeray

The wild and raw adventures of Catherine Hayes, who was burned for murder at Tyburn in 1742 - Summary by Mark Leder

In the Days of Queen Elizabeth

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Eva March Tappan

Of all the sovereigns who have worn the crown of England, Queen Elizabeth is the most puzzling, the most fascinating, the most blindly prais…

The Lady of Blossholme

Read by LuellaMargaret

H. Rider Haggard

The Lady of Blossholme is an exciting tale, set in 16th Century England, and featuring such historical figures as Cromwell and King Henry VI…

Simon Called Peter

Read by Simon Evers

Robert Keable

Peter, a conventional Anglican priest, becomes a padre in northern France during the First World War. He is posted to a hospital on the coas…

The Queen's Cup

Read by gracesilvey

G. A. Henty

Follow Frank Mallet, Henty’s gentleman hero, as he aids in putting down the mutiny of the Sepoys of Barrackpore and then comes home to his e…

The Coryston Family

Read by Simon Evers

Mary Augusta Ward

Lady Coryston has inherited her husband’s estate but surprisingly has not left it on her death to Coryston (known as Corry) her oldest son. …

I Worked for Lucky Luciano

Read by Michele Fry


A few years after the fall of Chicago’s Al Capone in 1931, Italian born gangster Charles “Lucky” Luciano took the throne as the American Maf…

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