Humor (Fiction)

The Struggles of Brown, Jones, and Robinson

Read by Arnold

Anthony Trollope

Billed as a satire concerning the dishonest advertising and business practices of the day, it tells the tale of an upstart clothing business…

The Wit and Humor of America, Vol 04

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


The Wit and Humor of America is a 10 volume series. In this, the fourth volume, 40 short stories and poems have been gathered from 33 author…

Best Way to Read a Book

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Edgar A. Guest

LibriVox volunteers bring you 20 recordings of Best Way to Read a Book by Edgar A. Guest. This was the Fortnightly Poetry project for Septem…

Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to His Son

Read by peac

George Horace Lorimer

Being the Letters written by John Graham, Head of the House of Graham & Company, Pork-Packers in Chicago, familiarly known on 'Change as…

The Make-Believe Man

Read by Crln Yldz Ksr

Richard Harding Davis

Adventure was what our protagonist was looking for, when he boarded the steamer "Patience" for his holiday, and when one has a man…

The Cave On Thunder Cloud

Read by VfkaBT

Mary Roberts Rinehart

Tish Carberry reluctantly takes her two best friends, Aggie and Lizzie, on a camping trip into the hills of their Midwestern American town, …

Pomona's Travels

Read by Sibella Denton

Frank R. Stockton

Pomona and Jone of Rudder Grange fame travel to England and Scotland. Along the way, Pomona tangles with wild pigs, haymaking, hotels great …


Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Louisa May Alcott

"Life is a train of moods like a string of beads; and as we pass through them they prove to be many colored lenses, which paint the wor…

Gedichtsammlung 1

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Friederike Kempner

Eine Auswahl der fast 400 (meist sehr kurzen) Gedichte von Friederike Kempner.Die Verfasserin: "Das waren Tage des Glückes, als ic…

The Bertrams

Read by Arnold

Anthony Trollope

This is a massive effort, taking place in England and the Middle East, with a cast of thousands... Well, not thousands, fortunately, but cer…

The Mystery (LibriVox NaNoWriMo novel 2006)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Librivox Volunteers

The idea was to write a whole novel in the month of November, based on the guidelines of the National Novel Writing Month. The twist is that…

At The Sign of The Jack O'Lantern

Read by Daryl Wor

Myrtle Reed

This begins with an odd inheritance at the end of a honeymoon, both parties being inexperienced. Then someone comes to visit, then another, …

Monachomachia czyli wojna mnichów

Read by Piotr Nater

Ignacy Krasicki

Monachomachia, czyli Wojna mnichów to poemat heroikomiczny autorstwa Ignacego Krasickiego wydany po raz pierwszy anonimowo w 1778. Je…

One-Act Play Collection 001

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


LibriVox’s One-Act Play Collection 001 includes one-act plays in the public domain read by a variety of LibriVox members.

Europe Revised

Read by Sibella Denton

Irvin S. Cobb

Irwin Cobb's humorous Europe Revised is a travelogue and comedy almost in the style of Mark Twain. The dedication says it best, "To My …

Dad's Trip to Brisbane (from Our New Selection)

Read by Son of the Exiles

Steele Rudd

Chapters XV through XIX of "Our New Selection""The wheat was in, and Dad decided to take a trip to Brisbane. For seven or eig…

Philo Gubb, Correspondence-School Detective

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Ellis Parker Butler

Philo Gubb, not being content with his job as wallpaper-hanger, has higher aspirations: to become a detective, just like Sherlock Holmes. To…

The History of the Devil

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Daniel Defoe

Also known as "A Political History of the Devil"This book is divided into two parts: first, the history of the devil from his fall…

A Dash for a Throne

Read by Crln Yldz Ksr

Arthur W. Marchmont

The young Count von Rudloff got himself into so much trouble with the Imperial Family in Berlin, that he sees no other way out of it than to…

First Fifty Digits of Pi

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Scott Hemphill

56 flavors of Pi proudly produced by LibriVox volunteers to celebrate Pi Day, 2008. (3/14) Don't worry, you don't have to listen to an infin…

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