Legends & Fairy Tales

牛郎織女傳 (Cowherd and Weaver Girl)

Read by Guomin Do

Mingshi Zhu 名世朱


Myths and Legends Around the World - Collection 13

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


This collection is dedicated to recordings of short mythical or legendary works which are in the Public Domain. The stories tell of legends,…

The Jade Story Book; Stories from the Orient

Read by Nicole J. LeBoeuf

Penrhyn Wingfield Coussens

A collection of folklore gathered from India, China, Japan, the Philippines, and Persia. - Summary by Nicole J. LeBoeuf

Raggedy Andy Stories (version 2)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Johnny Gruelle

The beloved Raggedy Ann stories are beloved classics about the little rag doll with the floppy body, perpetual smile and happy attitude. We…


Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Wilhelm Busch

Eine Sammlung von kurzen deutschen Volksmärchen - Summary by Katharina21

Legende, mythe en fantazie

Read by Marcel Coenders

Louis Couperus

Dit boek van Mythe, Legende en Fantazie is een meesterwerk van verdichting - een fijn ciseleerwerk in het zware brons der Nederlandsche taal…

The Little People of the Snow

Read by Bruce Kachuk

William Cullen Bryant

Filled with the exuberance of youth and the thrill of discovery, Eva embarks on a Winter walk across snowy fields venturing farther and long…

Sandman's Rainy Day Stories

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Abbie Phillips Walker

A book of sleepy bed time stories for children read for you, no matter what age you are, read to you by talented and wonderful LibriVox volu…

The Myths and Fables of To-day

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Samuel Adams Drake

Samuel Adams was born in 1833, began journalism in 1858, served in the Army for 10 years & returned home to continue with his journalism…

The Brownies and Prince Florimel

Read by Jude Somers

Palmer Cox

After Prince Florimel flees his home (and a particularly nasty uncle) he has a series of adventures with the mischevious but helpful Brownie…

Australian Fairy Tales

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

James Hume-Cook

"The Stories in this little book have been set down almost in the same words in which they were told. How the telling of them came abou…

The Race Of The Swift

Read by David Wales

Edwin Carlile Litsey

This 1905 collection is of the author’s short animal stories, some previously published in magazines. - Summary by David Wales

Teddy Bears

Read by Linda Andrus

Adah Louise Sutton

Set in the early 1900's, this is a delightful story of a tribe of Teddy Bears arrival in the department store and the adventures some of the…


Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Harold Gaze

The story is about a little girl who meets all manner of strange gnomes, fairies and creatures after she goes to sleep at night. She also ha…

Jātaka Tales

Read by Scotty Smith

H. T. Francis

Jātaka tales are ancient Indian folktales that form a part of Buddhist teaching, telling stories of the Buddha’s past lives. Akin to Aesop’s…

African Jungle Tales

Read by laurakgibbs

Carl Bender

Carl Bender [1869-1935] was a German-born American missionary in Cameroon. During his years in Africa, he collected folktales which he later…

The Lost Princess (version 2)

Read by Shelly Weingart

George MacDonald

Two selfish little girls, a princess and a shepherd's daughter, encounter a wise woman who lovingly shows them each that they are not the ce…

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