Nature Fiction

Folk Stories from Southern Nigeria, West Africa

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Elphinstone Dayrell

A collection of folk stories and fairy tales from Southern Nigeria gathered by Elphinstone Dayrell, deputy commissioner of the region when t…

The Presence of Love

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Samuel Taylor Coleridge was an English poet, literary critic and philosopher who, with his friend William Wordsworth, was a founder of the R…

Pep: The Story Of A Brave Dog

Read by David Wales

Clarence Hawkes

This 1922 adventure story for youth and dog lovers will delight anyone with just a little suspension of disbelief. Sentimental and anthropom…

Gulliver The Great And Other Dog Stories

Read by David Wales

Walter Alden Dyer

This 1916 book is a collection of sixteen of the author's dog stories previously published in magazines. ( David Wales)

Short Stories Of William Henry Harrison Murray

Read by David Wales

William Henry Harrison Murray

Murray (1840-1904) was a sometime clergyman, journalist, and purveyor of the outdoor life. His books did much to popularize the virtues of …

There's a certain slant of light

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Emily Dickinson

In tribute to the first real snowfall this year. - Summary by David Lawrence


Read by Rocky

Rutherford G. Montgomery

This is an adventure story about a horse in the wild west. (Summary by Rocky Taylor)

Als de natuur roept

Read by Edith van der Have-Raats

Jack London

Als de Natuur Roept (The Call of the Wild) is een roman van de Amerikaanse schrijver Jack London. Het verhaal gaat over een eerder gedomesti…

The Tale of Rusty Wren

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Arthur Scott Bailey

Arthur Scott Bailey, a native of the state of Vermont, wrote over forty children's books using a variety of animals, birds and even insects …


Read by Victor Villarraza

Anna Sewell

Azabache (también Belleza Negra; título original, Black Beauty) es una novela de 1877 escrita por la inglesa Anna Sewell. Fue …

The Harvester (Version 2)

Read by Warren Kati

Gene Stratton-Porter

David Langston (a.k.a. the Harvester) is 26 years old and lives a simple life in the Midwest with his dog, cultivating and harvesting trees,…

Unprofessional Tales

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Norman Douglas

A collection of stories exploring the psychological and paranormal, some stories bordering on the macabre. - Summary by Luke Castle

The Book of Clever Beasts

Read by Daryl Wor

Myrtle Reed

A humorous book, hitting off the many writers who have returned to nature and made intimate friends in the Animal World. The author describe…

The Tale of Buster Bumblebee (version 2)

Read by Rosslyn Carlyle

Arthur Scott Bailey

This charming collection of short stories features a bumblebee called Buster, his (extensive) family, and a great number of other animals wh…

Wilk, psy i ludzie

Read by Piotr Nater

Adolf Dygasiński

Narrator, prywaty nauczyciel z Małowieży, przygarnia wilcze szczenię, potomka rzekomego wilkołaka, starając się go wychować w towarzystwie s…

Songs of Innocence and Experience (version 3)

Read by Thomas A. Copeland

William Blake

The short, simple lines of these delicate poems resemble song lyrics, emphasizing the concrete but hinting at transcendent realities, althou…

Myths and Legends Around the World - Collection 16

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


This collection is dedicated to recordings of short mythical or legendary works which are in the Public Domain. The stories tell of legends,…

The Dogs Of Boytown

Read by David Wales

Walter Alden Dyer

This collection of stories about dogs and the people they own was published in 1918. The story proceeds leisurely with much information abou…

Vóór Adam's tijd

Read by Edith van der Have-Raats

Jack London

"Vóór Adam's tijd" is het verhaal van een jongen die droomt dat hij het leven leidt van een vroege mensachtige, Aust…

Bambi: A Life in the Woods

Read by Anne Fletcher

Felix Salten

Coming of age and journey into adulthood of young deer as he confronts the harsh realities of life and death in the forest. - Summary by Ann…

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