
Third Class in Indian Railways

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Mahatma Gandhi

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869 – 1948) was the pre-eminent political and spiritual leader of India during the Indian independence movement…

Ann Veronica

Read by Joy Chan

H. G. Wells

Ann Veronica was a controversial book detailing the development of a naive school girl into a "New Woman". When it was published, …

The Gettysburg Address (version 3)

Read by Mark F. Smith

Abraham Lincoln

The Dedication of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg, in November, 1863, followed a few short months after the roiling, acrid clouds of gun…

Bible Defence of Slavery

Read by JoeD

Josiah Priest

The full title of this book is Bible Defense of Slavery; and Origin, Fortunes, and History of the Negro Race, by Rev. Josiah Priest, A. M. 5…

Civil Rights and Equal Protection Cases 1856-1948

Read by Kelli Robinson

United States Supreme Court

Landmark United States Supreme Court decisions focusing on civil rights and equal protection between 1856 and 1948.

News From Nowhere

Read by Elizabeth Klett

William Morris

News from Nowhere (1890) is a classic work combining utopian socialism and soft science fiction written by the artist, designer and socialis…

Toussaint L’Ouverture: A Biography and Autobiography

Read by James K. White

John Relly Beard

François-Dominique Toussaint L’Ouverture (1743-1803) rose to fame in 1791 during the Haitian struggle for independence. In this revol…

Die Anarchisten

Read by Ragnar

John Henry Mackay

John Henry Mackays Buch „Die Anarchisten“ ist überwiegend biographisch gefärbt und basiert auf eigenen Erlebnissen. Anhand zweier …

The Machine

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Upton Sinclair

Upton Sinclair is best known for his novel The Jungle, an expose of the meatpacking industry. He was also a playwright whose works for the s…

The Philippics

Read by ontheroad

Marcus Tullius Cicero

A philippic is a fiery, damning speech delivered to condemn a particular political actor. The term originates with Demosthenes, who delivere…

History of the Thirty Years War, Volume 1

Read by Alan Winterrowd

Friedrich Schiller

The History of the Thirty Years War is a five volume work, which followed his very successful History of the Revolt of the Netherlands. Writ…


Read by Moira Fogarty

John Milton

A prose tract or polemic by John Milton, published November 23, 1644, at the height of the English Civil War... Milton, though a supporter o…

Commentaries on the Laws of England. Book 1 (1765)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

William Blackstone

~ BOOK THE FIRST ~The Commentaries on the Laws of England are an influential 18th century treatise on the common law of England by Sir Willi…

The Small House at Allington

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Anthony Trollope

Fifth novel in the Barsetshire series, The Small House at Allington is largely focused on the Small House's inhabitants, Mrs. Dale and her t…

The Every-day Life of Abraham Lincoln

Read by Bill Boerst

Francis Fisher Browne

This detailed biography covers the places in Lincoln's life: Indiana, Illinois, Washington. It also traces his various roles as storekeeper,…

Woman and the New Race

Read by Becky Cook

Margaret Sanger

Margaret Sanger was an American sex educator and nurse who became one of the leading birth control activists of her time, having at one poin…

Phineas Finn the Irish Member

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Anthony Trollope

Phineas Finn is the sequel to “Can you Forgive Her?” and the second novel in Trollope’s Palliser series. The eponymous hero is a young Irish…

Constitución Española de 1978

Read by AVG

Las Cortes Y El Pueblo Español

Constitución vigente en España actualmente, fruto de la Transición a la democracia tras la muerte de Francisco Franco. …

Charles Dickens 200th Anniversary Collection Vol. 1

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Charles Dickens

The Charles Dickens 200th Anniversary Collection comprises short works previously unrecorded for LibriVox - fiction, essays, poetry, letters…

An Address to Free Colored Americans

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

An Anti-Slavery Convention of American Women

The first Anti-Slavery Convention of American Women met in New York City in May, 1837. Members at the Convention came from all walks of life…

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