Published 1900 onward

Ein verbummelter Student

Read by Rainer

Gustav Sack

"Ein verbummelter Student" ist ein autobiographisch geprägtes Werk von Gustav Sack (1885-1916), einem heute fast vergessenen,…

The Golden Bowl

Read by Lee Ann Howlett

Henry James

The Golden Bowl is a 1904 novel by Henry James. Set in England, this complex, intense study of marriage and adultery completes what some cri…

The Mysterious Stranger and Other Stories (version 2)

Read by John Greenman

Mark Twain

The Mysterious Stranger-A Romance- is the final novel attempted by Mark Twain. It was worked on periodically from roughly 1890 up until 1910…

Tish: The Chronicle of Her Escapades and Excursions

Read by Sandra Cullum

Mary Roberts Rinehart

The story of three "middle aged ladies". Follow along as they have all sorts of adventures. - Summary by Sandra More Tish stories…

Tarzan and the Golden Lion

Read by Joshua Herring

Edgar Rice Burroughs

Tarzan's amazing ability to establish kinship with some of the most dangerous animals in the jungle serves him well in this exciting story o…

The Turn Of The Tide

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Eleanor H. Porter

"What a joy! How exciting!" Margret Kendall returned home, to her loving and equally beloved mother's arms after 4 years in the sl…

The Big Blue Soldier

Read by LikeManyWaters

Grace Livingston Hill

Back from the Great War, a penniless and disillusioned young soldier finds himself in the home of Miss Marilla Chadwick, a sweet old lady wh…

El jardín de los cerezos

Read by Victor Villarraza

Anton Chekhov

El jardín de los cerezos es la última de las piezas principales de Chéjov (las otras son La gaviota, Tío Vania y…

Rainbow Valley (version 3 Dramatic Reading)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Anne Shirley is grown up and married, and her six children are off having their own adventures with the Merediths - the four children of a w…

The Great Gatsby (version 2)

Read by Adrian Wilson

F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Great Gatsby is a 1925 novel by American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald. Set in the Jazz Age on Long Island, near New York City, the novel d…

Tangled Trails

Read by Roger Melin

William Macleod Raine

The aptly titled "Tangled Trails, A Western Detective Story" takes the listener through a web of curious incidents revolving aroun…

Buried Alive

Read by Simon Evers

Arnold Bennett

The hero is Mr Priam Farll, a painter of considerable ability. He is, however, extremely shy – so shy that when his valet, Henry Leek, dies …

The Garden of Eden

Read by Richard Kilmer (1942 - 2022)

Max Brand

Ben Connor is a gambler who knows horses. He goes out west to get away from the gambling life he has been leading in New York. There he di…

The Sun Also Rises

Read by KevinS

Ernest Hemingway

The Sun Also Rises (1926) was Hemingway's first novel to be published, though there is his novella The Torrents of Spring which was publishe…

Ferien vom Ich

Read by Rebecca Braunert-Plunkett

Paul Keller

Rezept für eine leicht bekömmliche (Urlaubs-) Lektüre: Man nehme einen Arzt mit originellem Kur-Konzept, einen hiervon begeis…

The Yellow House

Read by Sharon Kilmer

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Vicar and his two daughters move to a small, quiet country village and soon learn that their neighbor in the yellow house holds secrets that…

The Witness for the Defence

Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)

A. E. W. Mason

Part romance, part mystery, part courtroom and quasi-courtroom drama. Young love reignites itself after a hiatus of some years. Or does it? …

At the Foot of the Rainbow

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Gene Stratton-Porter

This story is about three people, two men and a woman. Jimmy, selfish and deceitful, who has shamelessly lied to, cheated, and used his dear…

The Trail of the Hawk: a Comedy of the Seriousness of Life

Read by John W. Michaels

Sinclair Lewis

Trail of the Hawk, narrated by Mike Vendetti aka Miketheauctioneer, is Sinclair Lewis’ second novel published under his own name. It was not…

Esaú e Jacó

Read by Felipe Vale da Silva

Joaquim Maria Machado De Assis

Esaú e Jacó é o penúltimo livro de Machado de Assis, lançado em 1904. No título do livro, o autor …

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