While being interviewed for a 1970 WBZ 50th anniversary show, Ray mentions their past 15 years of doing a Canadian radio show. These s…
Mr and Mrs Broadway show, Third episode of starts. Morning Monday, 08/27/1973
Mr and Mrs Broadway show, 5:25 AM Tuesday, 08/28/1973 Next Episode: https://archive.org/details/BnR123082973
Mr and Mrs Broadway show, interviewing Calvin Friday, 08/31/1973 Next Episode: https://archive.or…
Mr and Mrs Broadway show, camera on fire Wednesday, 09/05/1973
Friday, March 26, 1976 Calvin and Pop go to a pool hall 0:00 - Introducing the show; it's springtime in the studio 1:00 - Fabian Glutnick st…
Listen carefully and you can hear the batteries run down on the recorder. "Tales Designed To Keep You In Anxiety" The Hobishers ar…
Friday- Westchester Furioso, Gregg introduces Pop Sturdley From the Mary Backstayge reels. This tapes sound degrades as the days go by. Ther…