Short works

Der Struwwelpeter

Read by Kara Shallenberg (1969-2023)

Heinrich Hoffmann

Der Struwwelpeter, zuerst erschienen als “Lustige Geschichten und drollige Bilder mit 15 schön kolorierten Tafeln für Kinder von 3…

Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

E. Nesbit

Edith Nesbit, the author of Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare, felt passionately that young children should enjoy Shakespeare's great works…

The Magic World

Read by Ruth Golding

E. Nesbit

Talking cats, birds, fish and bells, wicked fairies, uglified princesses - adventure, magic, and more magic. A delightful collection of sto…

The Children's Book of Christmas Stories

Read by Alisa


Many librarians have felt the need and expressed the desire for a select collection of children's Christmas stories in one volume. This book…

El Fantasma de Canterville y otros cuentos

Read by Victor Villarraza

Oscar Wilde

Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde, escritor, poeta y dramaturgo irlandés. Wilde está considerado como uno de los dramaturgo…

Hans Christian Andersen: Fairytales and Short Stories Volume 1, 1835 to 1842

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Hans Christian Andersen

A collection of some of Hans Christian Andersen's works. He is a Danish author and poet most famous for his fairy tales. (Summary by Kristin…

Erzählungen für Kinder

Read by Elli

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

Neben berühmten Erzählungen wie "Max und Moritz - Eine Bubengeschichte in sieben Streichen" von Wilhelm Busch und zwei d…

A Wonder Book for Girls and Boys

Read by Clive Catterall

Nathaniel Hawthorne

A Yankee student stays at a country house called Tanglewood during a golden New England fall. Also at the house are about a dozen children: …

Hans Christian Andersen: Fairytales and Short Stories Volume 3, 1848 to 1853

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Hans Christian Andersen

A collection of some of Hans Christian Andersen's works. He is a Danish author and poet most famous for his fairy tales. (Summary by Kristin…

La Mitología Contada a los Niños e Historia de los Grandes Hombres de la Grecia

Read by KendalRigans

Fernan Caballero

En este libro se narran de forma sencilla las historias y los personajes de la antigua Grecia, sobretodo para el aprendizaje de niños…

Among the Pond People

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Clara Dillingham Pierson

Lovely book for children written by teacher and naturalist Clara Dillingham Pierson. This book in the "Among the People" series ex…

The Aesop for Children

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


A collection of Aesop's fables for children from the classic American book illustrated by Milo Winter. Read along and see the illustrations …

Aunt Jo's Scrapbag

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Louisa May Alcott

A collection of short stories by Louisa May Alcott that were written with the intent to entertain the whole family and to fill children's he…

Stories for God's Little Ones

Read by Maria Therese

Father John Koenig

A charming collection of nine short stories for children with a moral weaved in each. These were originally published as separate booklets, …

The Tar Baby and Other Rhymes of Uncle Remus

Read by Phil Chenevert

Joel Chandler Harris

26 of Uncle Remus's stories put into verse and song. With the exception of the Tar Baby story, they were all new to this publication of 1904…

In the Nursery of My Bookhouse

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Walter de la Mare and Variousandolive Beaupre Miller

Full of delightful nursery rhymes, charming poems and engaging stories, folk and fairy tales, this is the first volume of the "My Bookh…

Kayray's Storytime

Read by Kara Shallenberg (1969-2023)


A collection of my favorite short children's stories and rhymes. Each book can be found online at if you wish to look at the w…

A Collection of Beatrix Potter Stories (Version 2 Dramatic Reading)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Beatrix Potter

Beatrix Potter's delightful stories come to life in this LibriVox recording of some of her most famous tales. This collection is extra speci…

The Frog Prince and Other Stories

Read by Laurie Anne Walden

Walter Crane

Here are three charming fairy tales with happy endings. They feature an enchanted frog; a princess, her brothers, and a dastardly plot agai…

Era uma vez...

Read by Rachel Moraes

Júlia Lopes and Júlia Lopes De Almeida

Era uma vez... é um conto, com castelo, princesa, aldeões, maravilhas do fundo do mar, dos ares e das florestas. Imagina&ccedi…

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