

Read by Nuran Bayraktar

Samuel Daniel

Delia (1592) is a cycle of Petrarchan love sonnets written by Renaissance poet Samuel Daniel (1562-1619). He was also a noted playwright and…


Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Richard Lovelace

"Lucasta" is of Latin origin meaning "Pure Light". Besides the dedication of the first poem to his wife, Anne Lovelace, …

A Calendar of Sonnets (Version 3)

Read by Newgatenovelist

Helen Hunt Jackson

Helen Hunt Jackson wrote poetry, nonfiction and fiction and was a popular author in her own time. This sonnet sequence reviews the months of…

Sonette nach dem Portugiesischen, übertragen durch Rainer Maria Rilke

Read by lorda

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Elizabeth Barrett Browning schrieb diese Sonette für ihren Mann. Dieser gab sie dann zur Veröffentlichung. In seiner Übersetz…

Poetry: A Magazine of Verse: Vol. 20, No. 6, Sep., 1922

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


Poetry: A Magazine of Verse was founded by poet and columnist Harriet Monroe in 1912. This journal is regarded as one of the major poetry jo…

Astrophel and Stella

Read by Thomas A. Copeland

Sir Philip Sidney

Sonnet sequences, which these poems by Sidney made very popular in the Elizabethan age, reflected the Medieval motif of courtly love, whereb…

Vom fernen Ufer

Read by lorda

Elisabeth Braunhoff

Sonette über die Liebe, vor dem Hintergrund des Krieges. Vom ersten Verliebtsein, über stärkere Gefühle, bis zur Eifersu…

Love's testament, a sonnet sequence

Read by KevinS

G. Constant Lounsbery and G. Constant Lounsbery

Grace Constant Lounsbery was an American poet, playwright, and author. It is said that she was 'mannish' in her dress and behavior and these…

Sonnets of This Century

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


This comprehensive anthology of English sonnets of the Nineteenth Century, edited and arranged by William Sharp, was published in 1887. It…


Read by lorda

Edmund Dorer

14 Sonette über Natur, Weltgedanken und Liebe.(Zusammenfassung von lorda)

Francesco Petrarca - Sonette - übersetzt und ausgewählt von Carl Streckfuss

Read by seito

Francesco Petrarca

Carl Streckfuss hat für seinen 1804 erschienen Band "Gedichte" unter dem Titel "Blumenlese aus Petrarca's Sonetten, Auf …

Sonette nach dem Portugiesischen - übersetzt von Marie Gothein

Read by lorda

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Als Elizabeth Barrett Browning Anfang des Jahres 1847 die Gedichte ihrem Gatten gab, nannte dieser sie die schönsten Sonette, die seit …

Wild-flower Sonnets

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Emily Shaw Forman

A delightful calendar of sonnets celebrating wildflowers. A charming and fanciful collection of poems for every month of the year. - Summar…

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