War & Military

Autobiography of a Seaman, Vol. 1

Read by Timothy Ferguson

Lord Thomas Cochrane

This two volume work is the autobiography of Lord Cochrane, a naval captain of the Napoleonic period. His adventures are seminal to the deve…

A German Deserter's War Experience

Read by Lee Smalley

Anonymoustranslated Byjulius Koettgen and William James Mcglothlin

The author of this 1917 narrative, who escaped from Germany and military service after 14 months of fighting in France, did not wish to have…

The U-boat Hunters

Read by William Tomcho

James Brendan Connolly

The author takes the listener on a tour of various ships used in WW1. He discusses the boats and the seamen who occupy them and their encoun…

A Narrative of a Revolutionary Soldier: Some of the Adventures, Dangers, and Su…

Read by Barry Eads

Joseph Plumb Martin

Joining the Continental Army as a teenager, Joseph Plumb Martin spent the next eight years fighting in the Revolutionary War as an enlisted …

The Escaping Club

Read by Tom Weiss

A. J. Evans

Described by some as one of the greatest escape books published. The Escaping Club recounts Evans' escape to Switzerland from a supposedly &…

Fighting the Flying Circus

Read by Brett W. Downey

Eddie Rickenbacker

This is the WWI memoirs of Medal of Honor winner, Capt Eddie Rickenbacker. He fought in and eventually became commander of the 94th "Ha…

The River War - An Account of the Reconquest of the Sudan

Read by Mark F. Smith

Winston S. Churchill

When the self-proclaimed Mahdi (“Guided One”) gathered Islamic forces and kicked the Anglo-Egyptians out of the Sudan, he unleashed a backla…


Read by LibriVox Volunteers


Xenophon the Athenian was born 431 B.C. He was a pupil of Socrates. He marched with the Spartans, and was exiled from Athens. Sparta gave hi…

Somme Battle Stories

Read by David Wales

Alec John Dawson

Stories of World War I warfare, published in 1916 in the midst of the war. (That's why names of persons and units are literally "blanke…

Simple Sabotage Field Manual

Read by James Christopher

United States Office Of Strategic Services

Formed during World War II, the United States Office of Strategic Services (OSS), was organized for special operations and intelligence gath…

Early Kings of Norway

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Thomas Carlyle

"The Icelanders, in their long winter, had a great habit of writing; and were, and still are, excellent in penmanship. It is to this fa…

History of the World War

Read by MaryAnn

Francis Andrew March

This is a popular narrative history of the world's greatest war. Written frankly from the viewpoint of the United States and the Allies, it…

Chancellorsville and Gettysburg

Read by Mark F. Smith

Abner Doubleday

Abner Doubleday began the Civil War as a Union officer and aimed the first cannon shot in response to the bombardment opened on Ft. Sumter i…

The Rough Riders

Read by William Peck

Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt's personal account of The Rough Riders, the name affectionately bestowed on the 1st United States Volunteer Cavalry, one …

The Naval War of 1812

Read by James E. Carson

Theodore Roosevelt

Somewhat detailed history of naval engagements between the United States and England during the War of 1812, from a decidedly American persp…

Inventions Of The Great War

Read by David Wales

Alexander Russell Bond

“… this war was not one of mere destruction. It set men to thinking as they had never thought before. It intensified their inventive faculti…

Gallipoli Diary

Read by Sue Anderson

John Graham Gillam

Major John Graham Gillam, British Supply Officer, wrote in his World War I Gallipoli Diary that when he sailed from England for the Dardanel…

Famous Sea Fights

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

John R. Hale

I propose to tell in non-technical and popular language the story of some of the most remarkable episodes in the history of sea power. I sha…

Iconoclastic Memories of the Civil War

Read by Winston Tharp

Ambrose Bierce

At the outset of the American Civil War, [the writer Ambrose] Bierce enlisted in the Union Army's 9th Indiana Infantry Regiment....In Februa…

A Confederate Girl's Diary

Read by Jacquerie

Sarah Morgan Dawson

Sarah Morgan Dawson was a young woman of 20 living in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, when she began this diary. The American Civil War was raging. …

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