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Nightmare Abbey

Read by Mark F. Smith

Thomas Love Peacock

Deep in the fens of the British coast sits the gloomy mansion that goes by the name Nightmare Abbey. It is inhabited by persons of very low …

Reminiscences of Forts Sumter and Moultrie in 1860-'61 (version 2)

Read by Mark F. Smith

Abner Doubleday

Abner Doubleday was a busy man. He rose to be a major general during the American Civil War, started the first cable car company in San Fran…

When We Were Very Young

Read by Mark F. Smith

A. A. Milne

A.A. Milne wrote many poems to entertain his young son, Christopher Robin Milne, who appears to have been about three when "When We Wer…

From the Earth to the Moon, Version 2

Read by Mark F. Smith

Jules Verne

Jules Verne takes aim at some amusing stereotypes of Americans in this story of a pre-rocketry attempt to shoot a cannonball to the Moon. Th…

New Discoveries at Jamestown

Read by Mark F. Smith

John L. Cotter

Chances are, you are reading this because you are aware that Jamestown, Virginia, celebrated its 400th birthday in 2007. It was the first &q…

The Burial of the Guns

Read by Mark F. Smith

Thomas Nelson Page

This is a book of short stories centered around the Civil War and its aftermath. The author was a prominent Virginian in his day, and his wr…

Round the Moon (Version 2)

Read by Mark F. Smith

Jules Verne

Jules Verne’s sequel to his “From the Earth to the Moon” begins with a short chapter to catch you up, if you missed the first book.Then we j…

More Goops and How Not to Be Them

Read by Mark F. Smith

Frank Gelett Burgess

Deep in the heart of every parent is the wish, the desire, to have other adults tell us, in an unsolicited way, just how very polite one’s c…

The Federalist Papers (version 2)

Read by Mark F. Smith

Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison

“The Federalist Papers” are a collection of 85 linked essays that explain the construction of the U.S. government and why it was built that …

Blake of the "Rattlesnake"

Read by Mark F. Smith

Frederick Thomas Jane

Fred Jane, who later went on to publish his famous "Jane's Fighting Ships", doubtless was noting the success of other books that f…

The Red Badge of Courage (Version 3)

Read by Mark F. Smith

Stephen Crane

A youth, caught up in patriotic fervor and dreams of glory, enlists in the Union Army. In his first battle, though, he runs away. Deeply ash…

Americans All, Immigrants All

Read by Mark F. Smith

U. S. Department Of The Interior Office Of Education

The United States Department of the Interior, Office of Education partnered with the Columbia Broadcasting System to present a series of 26 …

Beetle Ring's Thanksgiving Mascot. (By Sheldon C. Stoddard)

In Good Cheer Stories Every Child Should Know

Read by Crystal Rogers

Asa Don Dickinson

This charming book has many stories that deal mostly with the holiday of Thanksgiving, perfectly suited for family listening and reading. an…

Ch.13 The Empty Bird's-Nest

In Oldtown Folks

Read by Crystal Rogers

Harriet Beecher Stowe

1870's rural Massachusetts communities became famous as “Oldtown” in Harriet Beecher Stowe's 7th novel and national bestseller. Based partia…

Mae Marsh, Motion Picture Actress

In The Chinese Nightingale and Other Poems

Read by Crystal Rogers

Vachel Lindsay

This is a collection of poems on various topics by Vachel Lindsay.Please note that the Booker T. Washington trilogy had to be omitted from t…

On the Shore

In Verses

Read by Crystal Gattis

Susan Coolidge

Susan Coolidge was the pen name of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey, who is best known for her What Katy Did series. This is the first of three volume…

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