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The Giant Badorful

In Davy and the Goblin

Read by Larry Wilson

Charles Edward Carryl

Eight-year-old Davy reads Lewis Carroll's novel Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and begins to get very sleepy. Suddenly a goblin appears in…

From the Tribune to the War Department

In Recollections of the Civil War

Read by Larry Wilson

Charles Anderson Dana

Recollections of the Civil War records the events that took place during the American Civil war. It forms one of the most remarkable volumes…

Poems by J.R. Dos Passos

In Eight Harvard Poets

Read by Larry Wilson

John Dos Passos

"I will wade outtill my thighs are steeped in burn-ing flowersI will take the sun in my mouthand leap into the ripe airAlivewith closed…

The Compliment - Read by LCW

In The Compliment

Read by Larry Wilson

Eugene Field

LibriVox volunteers bring you 11 recordings of The Compliment by Eugene Field. This was the Weekly Poetry project for September 1, 2013.


In Cobwebs from an Empty Skull

Read by Larry Wilson

Ambrose Bierce

Ambrose Bierce's collection of short parables, published under the pen name of Dod Grile, is similar to Aesop's Fables. This compilation is …

Religious Poems: The Secret

In Religious Studies, Sketches and Poems

Read by Larry Wilson

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Best known for having written "Uncle Tom's Cabin," Harriet Beecher Stowe also wrote several religious works, including the works i…

The Hunter and His Dying Steed - Read by LCW

In The Hunter and His Dying Steed

Read by Larry Wilson

Rosanna Eleanor Leprohon

Rosanna Eleanor Leprohon, born Rosanna Eleanor Mullins, was a Canadian writer and poet. She was "one of the first English-Canadian writ…

Winter Trails, part 1

In Secrets of the Woods

Read by Larry Wilson

William J. Long

The unique merit of this nature student rests in his fascinating style of writing, which invariably interests young and old; for without thi…

Hudson and the Indians

In The Story of the Thirteen Colonies

Read by Larry Wilson

H. A. Guerber

These short vignettes of American history are written for the young reader. Each one is a little capsule of a person or event. They run fr…

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