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In Ricordi di Londra, seguiti da Un' escursione nei quartieri poveri di Londra

Read by Claudia Caldi

Edmondo De Amicis

Questa del 1874 è la seconda edizione del volume XXII della Biblioteca di Viaggi pubblicata dai Fratelli Treves. Gli editori vi riuni…


In Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 093

Read by Claudia Caldi

Eliza Lynn Linton

"Flirting is more serious than talking nonsense and not so serious as making love" was journalist Eliza Lynn Linton's take on rela…

Chapter 1 from Henry Brocken

In First Chapter Collection 011

Read by Claudia Caldi

Walter De la Mare

The first chapter of a book is often the hook to draw a reader in. It could make you eager for more or realize it isn't for you. Here we off…

Women as Munition Makers: a Study of Conditions in Bridgeport, Connecticut (191…

In Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 099

Read by Claudia Caldi

Amy Hewes

"Instead of letting ourselves, at the thought of mealtime, fall into a state of chronic mental flutter that incapacitates us for any se…

chapter 20

In Elsie's Vacation and After Events

Read by Claudia Peri

Martha Finley

Elsie and her family take a boat trip to visit wartime sites in NE USA. Illness, a son's departure and the willfulness of a daughter make fo…


In Recuerdos de mi vida

Read by Claudia Caldi

Santiago Ramón Y Cajal

De "paciencia rayana en la obstinación para el adueñamiento de los métodos histológicos; destreza y ma&ntil…

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