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Leviamoci Questo Pensiero

In Novelle per un Anno, vol. 12: Il Viaggio

Read by Mary J

Luigi Pirandello

Novelle per un anno è una raccolta di 241 novelle scritte da Luigi Pirandello. Originariamente sono state pubblicate sul Corriere del…

Biographical Sketch, part 1

In Essays and Dialogues

Read by Mary J

Giacomo Leopardi

"We would no more choose to feed the minds of our countrymen and women with the despairing utterances of the pessimist poet, than we wo…

Prefatory Note, Introduction, and Proem

In The Sonnets of Michael Angelo Buonarroti and Tommaso Campanella

Read by Mary J

Michelangelo Buonarroti

Michael Angelo and Campanella represent widely sundered, though almost contemporaneous, moments in the evolution of the Italian genius. Mich…

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