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Chapter 23: On the Eve of Triumph

In The Nether World

Read by Ric F

George Robert Gissing and George Gissing

This sad social novel revolves around the problematic issue of money. Michael returns from Australia to London a rich man. However, he hides…

Araminta and The Automobile

In The Wit and Humor of America, Vol 10

Read by Ric F

Charles Battell Loomis

The Wit and Humor of America is a 10 volume series. In this, the tenth volume, 62 short stories and poems have been gathered from 42 authors…

Fifth Voyage

In The Arabian Nights Entertainments

Read by Ric F

Andrew Lang

The Arabian Nights is a collection of Perso-Arabic folk tales and other stories. The collection, or at least certain stories drawn from it (…

Road to a Woman's Heart, The

In The Wit and Humor of America, Vol 08

Read by Ric F

Sam Slick

The Wit and Humor of America is a 10 volume series. In this, the eighth volume, 40 short stories and poems have been gathered from 35 author…


In A Cathedral Courtship

Read by Ric F

Kate Douglas Wiggin

An romantic comedy. A pretty young American girls tours English Cathedrals, with her very blue-blooded Aunt. Then boy meets girl. Boy chases…

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