Search Results

21 - Troubles in the Fold--A Message

In Far from the Madding Crowd

Read by E. Plein

Thomas Hardy

Far from the Madding Crowd (1874) is Thomas Hardy's fourth novel and offers in ample measure the details of English rural life that Hardy so…

Whenas in Silks

In Short Poetry Collection 029

Read by E. Plein

Robert Herrick

LibriVox’s Short Poetry Collection 029: a collection of 20 public-domain poems.

Der Engel

In Märchen

Read by Sigrid E.

Hans Christian Andersen

Angelehnt an dänische, deutsche und griechische Sagen und historische Begebenheiten, dem Volksglauben verbunden und inspiriert von lite…

Part 1, Sec 1 & 2

In The Song of the Lark

Read by E. Tavano

Willa Sibert Cather and Willa Cather

Set in the 1890s in Moonstone, a fictional place supposedly located in Colorado, The Song of the Lark is the self-portrait of an artist in t…

Chapter 1

In Alexander's Bridge (version 2)

Read by E. Tavano

Willa Sibert Cather and Willa Cather

Bartley Alexander is a construction engineer and world-renowned builder of bridges going through what's known today (but not in 1912) as a m…

Sections 3-5

In Beowulf (version 2)

Read by Tad E.

Unknowntranslated Byfrancis Barton Gummere and Translated Byfrancis Barton Gummere

Beowulf was composed by an anonymous Anglo-Saxon poet. Francis Barton Gummere translates this beautiful poem. Beowulf is an epic poem. The m…

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