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Ch 05

In Fighting The Boche Underground

Read by Paul Hampton

Harry Davis Trounce

Harry Trounce was an American mining engineer of British birth and parentage who joined the British Army in October 1915. After the briefest…

The Barbarians

In Short Science Fiction Collection 098

Read by Paul Hampton

Tom Godwin

Science fiction is a genre encompassing imaginative works that take place in this world or that of the author’s creation where anything is p…

Out of the Sea

In Short Science Fiction Collection 097

Read by Paul Hampton

Leigh Douglass Brackett

Science fiction is a genre encompassing imaginative works that take place in this world or that of the author’s creation where anything is p…

Moon Madness (1921)

In Short Science Fiction Collection 100

Read by Paul Hampton

Ray Cummings

Librivox has officially contributed a whopping 100 of these numbered collections of science fiction short stories! To celebrate, we are doi…

Thick Paper and Thin

In The Booklover and His Books

Read by Paul Hampton

Henry Lyman Koopman

This book about books was written by Harry Lyman Koopman, who served as the head librarian for Brown University from 1893 to 1930. Published…

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