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Ch. 6: The Imperial Alliance, 1521-1523

In Cardinal Wolsey

Read by Pamela Nagami

Mandell Creighton

Cardinal Thomas Wolsey (1473-1530) will always be remembered as the Lord Chancellor who fell from power when he failed to obtain the annulme…

Preface, Cattle Trypanosomiasis, History of Sleeping Sickness

In Sleeping Sickness

Read by Pamela Nagami

Fleming Mant Sandwith

In the twenty-first century sleeping sickness (African trypanosomiasis in humans) is still a life-threatening disease of adults and children…

Ch. 1: The Youth of Elizabeth, Pt. 1

In Queen Elizabeth

Read by Pamela Nagami

Mandell Creighton

"The Princess Elizabeth of England was born at Greenwich, between three and four of the afternoon of September 7, 1533. Her birth was a…

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