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Chapter VI - The Battle of Chalons, AD 451 - Part 2

In The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World

Read by James E.

Sir Edward Shepherd Creasy

This work is Edward Creasy's best known fundamental work of history. It describes in detail 15 battles of world history, beginning with the …

The Phantom Coach

In Short Ghost and Horror Collection 034

Read by E. Johnston

Amelia Ann Blanford Edwards

A collection of twenty stories featuring ghoulies, ghosties, long-legged beasties and things that go bump in the night. Expect shivers up yo…

15 The Irish Water Spaniel

In The American Book of the Dog

Read by E Farmer


Here is a period piece, covering 47 breeds, about the early days of dog breeding, the birth of the American Kennel Club (1884) which firmly …

Capítulo IV

In Memorias de un vagón de ferrocarril

Read by E. Faus

Eduardo Zamacois y Quintana and Eduardo Zamacois Y Quintana

Este vagón personificado nos cuenta en primera persona su vida y las historias de los pasajeros aventureros que montan en él. …

Los sepulcros de San Dionisio

In Los mil y un fantasmas, vol. 1

Read by E. Faus

Alexandre Dumas

Alexandre Dumas padre (1802-1870), escritor francés de ascendencia haitiana, es el autor más prolífico de su paí…


In Cuentos de las montañas

Read by E. Faus

Rudyard Kipling

Aventurarnos en los “Cuentos de las Montañas” es zambullirnos sin concesiones en los antiguos días de la India durante la domi…

Isotopes in Research: Probing the Cancer Problem and Conclusions

In Radioisotopes and Life Processes

Read by Sharon E.

Renato Baserga and Walter E. Kisieleski

This is a book in the "Understanding the Atom Series".from the Division of Technical Information, U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. …

The Underground Station

In American Myths and Legends, Volume 1

Read by Sharon E.

Charles M. Skinner

American Myths and Legends is another collection of folklore from author Charles M. Skinner, whose exhaustive and expansive work in the fiel…

Cap. 8 - El misterio del cuarto blindado (Primera parte)

In La hermandad de los siete reyes

Read by E. Faus

L. T. Meade

El señor Norman Head es un gentleman cuya desahogada posición le permite dedicar todo su tiempo a sus investigaciones cient&ia…

Night Ninth, Part One

In The Complaint; or Night Thoughts

Read by Ania E

Edward Young

A book-length poem, often associated with the Graveyard School of poetry, musing upon life and death. - Summary by Karen Joan Kohoutek

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