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The Gamekeeper at Home

Read by Andy Minter (1934-2017)

Richard Jefferies

Richard Jefferies (1848 – 1887) was born and spent his childhood on a farm at Coate,Wiltshire. He joined the ‘Wiltshire and Gloucestershire …

Bladys of the Stewponey

Read by Andy Minter (1934-2017)

Sabine Baring-Gould

The setting, geography and history of this story by Rev'd Sabine Baring-Gould, author of Onward Christian Soldiers and a number of other wel…

When William Came

Read by Andy Minter (1934-2017)


We have had many novels about alternate histories, often of the 'What would have happened if Hitler had won the war' type and this is anothe…

George and Robert Stephenson

Read by Andy Minter (1934-2017)

Samuel Smiles

George Stephenson did not invent the steam engine, that was due to Newcomen and later to James Watt. He did not invent the steam locomotive,…

Historia de la cuchara y el tenedor

In La Edad de Oro

Read by Andy

Jose Marti and José Martí

Colección de cuentos para niños y niñas por José Martí.

Chapter 40

In Middlemarch

Read by Andy

George Eliot

The book examines the role of education in the lives of the characters and how such education and study has affected the characters. Rosamon…

The Decision of Libuscha

In Myths and Legends of All Nations

Read by Andy

Logan Marshall

This excellent book contains many great stories from the various mythologies of man throughout the ages.

Ch 76: Conclusion

In Phineas Finn the Irish Member

Read by Andy

Anthony Trollope

Phineas Finn is the sequel to “Can you Forgive Her?” and the second novel in Trollope’s Palliser series. The eponymous hero is a young Irish…


In Multilingual Poetry Collection 005

Read by Andy

Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer

In LibriVox's Multilingual Poetry Collection, LibriVox volunteers read their favourite public-domain poems in languages other than English. …

Chapter 11

In Zadig or the Book of Fate

Read by Andy


Zadig, ou La Destinée, ("Zadig, or The Book of Fate") (1747) is a famous novel written by the French Enlightenment philosop…

Lesson 36. Per. Kun. Sen.

In The Esperanto Teacher

Read by Andy

Helen Fryer

The international language Esperanto was first released to the world in 1887, when L. L. Zamenhof published his first book, "Dr. Espera…

Bk 16: Ch 01-03

In The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling

Read by Andy

Henry Fielding

Tom Jones is considered one of the first prose works describable as a novel. The novel is divided into 18 smaller books. Tom Jones is a foun…

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