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Irish Wit and Humor

Read by James E. Carson


Excerpted anecdotes from the biographies of Swift, Curran, O'Leary and O'Connell, relating humorous snippets of politics in 18th and 19th ce…


Read by Patrick E. McLean

Patrick E. McLean

Unkillable is the story of a young man who is cruelly murdered then brought back from the dead to revenge himself. The kicker is: He’s not r…

The Merchant Adventurer

Read by Patrick E. McLean

Patrick E. McLean

After countless heroes fail to overcome an evil Wizard, Boltac, humble shopkeeper, must answer the Call of Adventure and save his home and t…

How to Succeed in Evil: The Novel

Read by Patrick E. McLean

Patrick E. McLean

Alternately funny and dark, a HtSiE is the story of Edwin Windsor, Evil Efficiency Consultant. A biting satire of both modern business and t…

The Naval War of 1812

Read by James E. Carson

Theodore Roosevelt

Somewhat detailed history of naval engagements between the United States and England during the War of 1812, from a decidedly American persp…

The Young Trailers: A Story of Early Kentucky

Read by A. E. Maroney

Joseph A. Altsheler

This is the story of Henry Ware, a young boy living in the wilds of the Kentucky frontier of the 1700's. The story follows Henry as he helps…

How To Succeed in Evil - Consultation with Vampire

Read by Patrick E. McLean

Patrick E. McLean

Edwin Windsor, Evil Efficiency Consultant, returns with his manic lawyer Topper and his faithful secretary in this novella-length prequel to…

Bible (DRV) New Testament

Read by James E. Carson

Douay-Rheims Version

The Douay Rheims New Testament, published in 1582, is a translation of St Jerome's Latin Vulgate which dates from the fourth century. It inf…

Arizona Nights

Read by A. E. Maroney

Stewart Edward White

Arizona Nights is a collection of tales from the American West as told by those who took part in them. (Summary by Adam E. Maroney)

Father Goriot

Read by James E. Carson

Honoré de Balzac

One of Balzac's most popular works, set around 1815 during the re-ascendancy of the Bourbon kings following the defeat of Napoleon. Said to …

Stories I Told Myself

Read by Patrick E. McLean

Patrick E. McLean

Funny, moving and always exquisitely well-produced, this collection of short stories and essays from the award-winning Seanachai podcast is …

The Pastor's Wife

Read by James E. Carson

Elizabeth Von Arnim

Written by an author born in Australia, grew up in England, married in Germany, and then flew to the United States. A tale about a young wom…

Father Sergius

Read by James E. Carson

Leo Tolstoy

Prince Stepan Kasatsky experiences a disappointment with his fiancé and decides to become a monk! There is a story line, but beneath …

Star Surgeon

Read by Alan E. Nourse

Alan E. Nourse

Dal Timgar always wanted to be a doctor. As a Garvian and the first non-human to study medicine on Hospital Earth, he must face enormous ad…

The Magic Skin

Read by James E. Carson

Honoré de Balzac

Something along the lines of Dorian Gray as part of the Comedies Humane Philosophique, this is Balzac's first successful novel. He even wrot…


Read by James E. Carson

Joseph Conrad

Apparently a two part story about a Damsel and a Knight, perhaps a damsel who depends upon the kindness of strangers. It was originally enti…

Irish Idylls

Read by James E. Carson

Jane Barlow

Irish Idylls is a collection of short stories about Irish peasantry during the 19th Century. Ms Jane Barlow, an Irish lass, having, unbeliev…

The Wreck of the Golden Mary

Read by James E. Carson

Charles Dickens

A short story of a ship wreck in 1851 trying to round Cape Horn on its way to the California gold fields. Poignant and well written. ( Summa…

The Highwayman

Read by James E. Carson

H. C. Bailey

A romance and adventure novel, set in England during the reign of Queen Anne. The book is much unlike the author's later detective short sto…

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