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A Long Way from Disney - Part II

Read by Seth Harwood

Seth Harwood

In the second season of A Long Way from Disney, an older (and perhaps wiser) Adam Berkman deals with his own series of relationships, love, …

Section 6

In Celebrated Crimes, Vol. 4: Part 3: Nisida (version 2)

Read by Seth Pate

Alexandre Dumas

Dumas, with the assistance of several friends, compiled Celebrated Crimes, an eight-volume collection of essays on famous criminals and crim…

Chapter 01 - Jeeves & the Chump Cyril

In Wodehouse in the Strand - Short Story Collection

Read by Seth Dresser

P. G. Wodehouse

This is a collection of P.G. Wodehouse's short stories published in The Strand from 1918 to 1922. (kirk202) Sir Pelham Grenville Wodehous…

Beginning Life as a Printer

In The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (Version 2)

Read by Seth Pate

Benjamin Franklin

In Benjamin Franklin's lifetime, he kept good record of his life and travels, and although Franklin was never a president, he still plays a …

13 - Rebirth Is Not Transmigration

In Buddhist Writings

Read by Seth Lemons

Henry Clarke Warren, translator and Varioustranslated Byhenry Clarke Warren

An anthology of Buddhist scriptures, appropriate as an introduction to its vast literature, or as a sampler for those who want to better und…


In Czechmate

Read by Seth Harwood

Seth Harwood

This is where it boils down, eager listeners. Jack Palms is back out on the streets of San Francisco after a brief stint in the hospital, an…

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