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PiGGiE Porker

In Puss in Boots, Jr. in Fairyland

Read by Julian Pratley

David Cory

David Cory is the author of more than 40 childrens books. This book is in his series of Puss in Boots, Jr. The roots of the legend of Puss i…

The Turkey Vulture

In Birds, Vol. II, No 2, August 1897

Read by Julian Pratley


Birds, Illustrated by Color Photography was a monthly publication of the Nature Study Publishing Company of Chicago. It includes short poems…

Outside the Door

In The Room in the Tower, and Other Stories

Read by Julian Pratley

E. F. Benson

These stories have been written in the hopes of giving some pleasant qualms to their reader, if by chance, anyone be occupying in their peru…

Trench Superstitions

In Stories from the Trenches: Funny Tales the Soldiers Tell

Read by Julian Pratley

Carleton Britton Case

Carleton B. Case is well known for wit and humor, as the title of the book leads one to believe this book will follow suit. - Summary by Apr…

The Fateful Gum-Drop

In Pee-wee Harris F. O. B. Bridgeboro

Read by Julian Pratley

Percy Keese Fitzhugh

Pee-Wee is back for another scouting adventure, disaster only averted by the judicious application of snacks!

In Which Dan Releases the Animals of Spangleland

In The Adventures of Diggeldy Dan

Read by Julian Pratley

Edwin P. Norwood

Diggeldy Dan (rhymes with Wiggildy Wan) is a most ingenious fellow who lives in a circus called Spangleland. He looks like a clown because …


In Summer of Love

Read by Julian Pratley

Joyce Kilmer

Joyce KIlmer may yet be an obscure poet had he not had his poem, Trees, published in Poetry in 1913. But, this book precedes that, and show…

The Story of the First Humming-bird.

In The Book of Nature Myths (Version 2)

Read by Julian Pratley

Florence Holbrook

These delightful stories about how natural things began are drawn from the early folk-lore of many races. The wonderful explanations of the…

An Accident

In The Elect Lady

Read by Julian Pratley

George MacDonald

Two farmer's sons and a cotter's daughter, though on different rungs of the social scale, formed a close bond in childhood as they learned t…

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