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Thirty-Third Sunday: Jeremiah's Prophecies

In Captivating Bible Stories for Young People

Read by Daniel

Charlotte Mary Yonge

Noted author and historian, Charlotte Mary Yonge, presents Bible stories written for children in simple language. There are thee 52 stories…

Chapter VI, Part 19

In The History of England, from the Accession of James II - (Volume 2, Chapter 06)

Read by Jack Sundrud

Thomas Babington Macaulay

This chapter starts from about 1685. James is on the throne and, as ever, there are disputes between crown and Parliament. We see the Habeus…

Part 2 The Mechanism of Evolution – Chapter 8b Sexual and Artificial Selection

In Organic Evolution

Read by Jack Blake

Richard Swann Lull

Organic Evolution is a college textbook that describes the mechanism of biological evolution by natural selection. It then explores the evid…

Chapter X

In Through the Magic Door

Read by Jack Albert

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

I care not how humble your bookshelf may be, nor how lowly the room which it adorns. Close the door of that room behind you, shut off with i…

The Gum-Gatherer

In Mountain Interval

Read by Jack Albert

Robert Frost

Originally published in 1916 and revised in 1920, Mountain Interval is Robert Frost's third collection of solo poetry. In it, Frost reflects…

The Heavenly Hills of Holland

In The Red Flower: Poems Written in War Time

Read by Jack Albert

Henry van Dyke

These are verses that came to me in this dreadful war time amid the cares and labors of a heavy task.Two of the poems, "A Scrap of Pape…

Ch. I: General Principles of Expression, Part 2

In The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals

Read by Jack Albert

Charles Darwin

The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals is a book by Charles Darwin, published in 1872, concerning genetically determined aspects …

Forest Moods

In Lyrics of Earth

Read by Jack Albert

Archibald Lampman

This is a volume of nature poetry by Canadian poet Archibald Lampman. Lampman is considered one of the most distinguished poets of his time,…

The Glass on the Bar

In In the Days When the World Was Wide, and Other Verses

Read by Jack Albert

Henry Lawson

This is a volume of poetry by Henry Lawson, the well-known Australian poet. Some of the poems in this collection are still widely taught in …

For the Consecration of a Cemetery

In Grand'ther Baldwin's Thanksgiving, with Other Ballads and Poems

Read by Jack Albert

Horatio Alger, Jr.

Horatio Alger, better known for his juvenile fiction, also penned some great poetry. His Ballads, including the 8 war poems and his odes, ar…

Borrow'd Plumes

In Poems

Read by Jack Albert

Adam Lindsay Gordon

This is a volume of poems by Adam Lindsay Gordon, 'British-born Australian Steeple-Chase Rider and Poet'."The poems of Gordon have an i…

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