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Intellectual Education

In The Montessori Method

Read by Leni

Maria Montessori

In the early 1900's Dr. Maria Montessori began to reform educational methods with her work the 'Case dei Bambini' in Rome, Italy. Montessori…


In A Woman's Journey Round the World

Read by Leni

Ida Laura Pfeiffer

Ida Laura Pfeiffer was an Austrian traveler and travel book author, one of the first female explorers, whose popular books were translated i…

24 - Capítulo 5, parte 3

In A Relíquia

Read by Leni

José Maria de Eça de Queirós and José Maria De Eça De Queirós

A Relíquia é um romance do escritor português Eça de Queirós, publicado em 1887. Uma de suas obras mais ir…

The Fourth Lesson, Mental Control, Part 1

In A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga

Read by Leni

William Walker Atkinson

The Book talks on the internal world of the self. The real nature of the subconscious mind, the way to control it, how ego comes into play a…

Filippo Brunelleschi (Filippo di Ser Brunellesco) Part 1

In Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors and Architects Vol 2

Read by Leni

Giorgio Vasari

The Lives of the Most Excellent Italian Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, from Cimabue to Our Times, or Le Vite de' più eccellenti…

Preface and Introduction

In The Letters of a Portuguese Nun

Read by Leni

Mariana Alcoforado

The Letters of a Portuguese Nun (Les Lettres Portugaises) were first published anonymously in Paris in 1669. The five passionate letters in…

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