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A Broken Rod

In Behind the Green Door

Read by Cheryl Adam

Mildred A. Wirt-Benson and Mildred A. Wirt Benson

Penny Parker is a teen-aged sleuth and amateur reporter with an uncanny knack for uncovering and solving unusual, sometimes bizarre mysterie…


In Wild Nature Won by Kindness

Read by Adam Wolf

Elizabeth Brightwen

This is a delightful collection of stories about a few of the birds, puppies, ant-lions, spiders and other assorted bugs this lady either re…

Sandwiches for Two

In The Clock Strikes Thirteen

Read by Cheryl Adam

Mildred A. Wirt-Benson and Mildred A. Wirt Benson

Penny Parker is a teen-aged sleuth and amateur reporter who has an uncanny knack for uncovering and solving unusual, sometimes bizarre myste…

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