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Carmen de Boheme

In Short Poetry Collection 168

Read by Eva Davis

Hart Crane

This is a collection of 40 poems read by LibriVox volunteers for May 2017.

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud - Audio Technica At 2020+ USB.

In Microphone Showdown 3

Read by Eva Davis

William Wordsworth

This is a project which will allow readers and listeners to compare the recording quality of a wide variety of recording devices. It is a se…

109 - Metempsychosis

In Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio, Volume 2

Read by Eva Davis

Songling Pu

"Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio" or "Strange Tales of Liaozhai" is a collection of nearly five hundred mostly super…

Chapter XXXIV

In The Minister's Wooing

Read by Eva Davis

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Harriet Beecher Stowe is today best known for her classic novel Uncle Tom's Cabin. However, that book was certainly not her only remarkable …

The Charleston Forts

In Abraham Lincoln: A History (Volume 2)

Read by Gary Davis

John Hay and John George Nicolay and John Hay

Abraham Lincoln: A History is an 1890 ten-volume account of the life and times of Abraham Lincoln, written by John Nicolay and John Hay, who…

The Battle of Bouvines

In The Story of Old France

Read by Eva Davis

H. A. Guerber

The aim of this volume is to give a complete graphic account of the main features of the history of France to 1715 A.D., with as much additi…

Book I, Chapters 49 to 60

In The History of Rome, volume 1

Read by Tad Davis

Titus Livius

The History of Rome (Ab Urbe Condita) is a history of ancient Rome, written in Latin by Livy (Titus Livius) between 27 and 9 BC, covering th…

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