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Book 2

In The Battle of Marathon

Read by Nathan

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

The Battle of Marathon is a rhymed, dramatic, narrative-poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Written in 1820, it retells powerfully The Battl…

The Chase aka The Wild Horseman

In Translations & Imitations of German Ballads

Read by Nathan

Sir Walter Scott

The narrative poems in this collection are written by Sir Walter Scott - the well-known Scottish poet and novelist. Each of these five poems…

Corona, La (The Cycle of 'The Crown')

In A Selection of Divine Poems

Read by Nathan

John Donne

John Donne was an English Jacobean preacher, sometime lawyer, later in life a Member of Parliament and Royal Chaplain. Marrying for love aga…

00 Prefatory

In The Divine Enchantment

Read by Nathan

John Niehardt and John Neihardt

When the princess Devanaguy falls into a deep trance-like sleep, she is visited by the god Vishnu: who causes her to fall pregnant with his …

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