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7 - Years of Disaster

In Chronicles of Canada Volume 18 - The 'Adventurers of England' on Hudson Bay

Read by Esther

Agnes C. Laut

The fur hunters were explorers who had blazed a trail across a continent and penetrated to the uttermost reaches of a northern empire the si…

02- The Location of the Garden

In The Vegetable Garden: A Manual for the Amateur Vegetable Gardener

Read by Esther

Ida Dandridge Bennett

This book is a good reference on vegetable gardening. It covers the economic value of a vegetable garden, planning and locating the garden, …

The Care of House-Plants in Winter

In The Flower Garden: A Handbook of Practical Garden Lore

Read by Esther

Ida Dandridge Bennett

This book is a good reference on the perennial flower gardening and landscaping. It contains information on growing the plants from seed and…

Girl's Railway Acquaintance

In Coffee Break Collection 007 - Travel

Read by Esther


This is the seventh collection of our "coffee break" series, involving public domain works that are between 3 and 15 minutes in le…

1 - Early Service

In Chronicles of Canada Volume 19 - Pathfinders of the Great Plains

Read by Esther

Lawrence J. Burpee

This is volume 19 of The Chronicles of Canada series. This is the account of La Verendryes' quest for an overland route to the Pacific Ocean…

03 - A Leader Among His People

In Chronicles of Canada Volume 17 - Tecumseh: A Chronicle of the Last Great Leader…

Read by Esther

Ethel T. Raymond

Tecumseh was a leader of the Shawnee and a large tribal confederacy that opposed the United States during the War of 1812. He became a folk …


In Chronicles of Canada Volume 01 - The Dawn of Canadian History: A Chronicle of A…

Read by Esther

Stephan Leacock and Stephen Leacock

This book describes Canada from the beginning of existence to its first European discoverers and includes a brief history of the aboriginal …

General Preface, Prologue

In History of Holland

Read by Esther

George Edmundson

The title, "History of Holland," given to this volume is fully justified by the predominant part which the great maritime province…

A Ghost Story

In Ghost Story Collection 002

Read by Esther

Mark Twain

A collection of ten pieces, read by various readers, about the unreal edges of this world in legend and story; tales of love, death and beyo…

01 - The Shade of Cardinal Richelieu.

In Twenty Years After

Read by Esther

Alexandre Dumas

Let's continue the D'Artagnan Romances that we've already started with The Three Musketeers.

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