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I.XIII The Rubbish Cart

In Barchester Towers

Read by Lucy Burgoyne (1950 - 2014)

Anthony Trollope

This is the second in Trollope’s ‘Barsetshire’ series of novels. The later novels in the series move away from Barchester itself but 'Barche…

Dirge for Two Veterans read by Lucy Burgoyne

In Dirge for Two Veterans

Read by Lucy Burgoyne (1950 - 2014)

Walt Whitman

In celebration of Memorial Day in the United States, 2007, LibriVox volunteers bring you twelve different recordings of Dirge for Two Vetera…

Verse - An Introductory Medley

In Personal Recollections of Early Melbourne and Victoria

Read by Lucy Burgoyne (1950 - 2014)

William Westgarth

Son of John Westgarth, surveyor-general of customs for Scotland, was born at Edinburgh, in June 1815. He was educated at the high schools at…

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