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A Soup of Alphabets from A-Z

Read by Sam Stinson


A collection of children's alphabet rhymes including Footsteps On the Road to Learning - a short text from 1850 which teaches children the …

Sonnets from the Portuguese (version 2)

Read by Sam Stinson

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Sonnets from the Portuguese chronicles one of the most famous romances in history. The renowned Victorian poet Elizabeth Barrett wrote the s…

The Keepsake

Read by Sam Stinson

William James Mcglothlin

"The Keepsake, or, Poems and Pictures For Childhood and Youth", is a collection of twenty pastoral poems published as one collecti…

Aunt Friendly's Picture Book

Read by Sam Stinson

Sarah S. Baker

This book includes the classic alphabet, Sing-A-Song Of Sixpence, The Frog Who Would A Wooing go, The Three LIttle Pigs, Puss In Boot, and T…

'Oh, Dreary Day'

In Songs Ysame

Read by Tom U

Annie Fellows Johnston and Albion Fellows Bacon, Annie Fellows Johnston and Albion Fellows Bacon

This is a volume of poetry written by the sisters Albion Fellows Bacon and Annie Fellows Johnston. Both of the sisters reached quite a level…

Scripture Confessions

In The Creeds of Christendom

Read by Desiree U. Angeles


This is based on Philip Schaff's Creeds of Christendom taking only the creeds that he selected, using the translations he supplied where pos…


In Heriot's Choice

Read by Desiree U. Angeles

Rosa Nouchette Carey

Mildred wants to start her full life at the age of 28. She is looking forward to it until her brother asks her to come help in his home and …

Chapter 17

In For God And Gold

Read by Desiree U. Angeles

Julian Corbett

Sir Julian Stafford Corbett was a prominent navy historian and geologist. This semi-autobiographical novel tells about the start: the person…


In Heart of the West

Read by Sam Naishtat

O. Henry

A collection of short stories by the legendary O. Henry. (Summary by sidhu177)

Chapter 2

In With Fire and Sword (Byers)

Read by Sam Naishtat

Samuel H.M. Byers and Samuel H. M. Byers

Samuel H. M. Byers was an American poet, diplomat, and soldier in the Civil War. "In war some persons seek adventures; others have them…

12 - Symbolism

In Your Psychic Powers and How to Develop Them

Read by Sam Naishtat

Hereward Carrington

Instructions in how to develop your psychic powers including telepathy, clairvoyance, self-projection, reincarnation, and other topics. Seri…

Act I

In Hamlet (version 2)

Read by Sam Stinson

William Shakespeare

The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark is a tragedy by William Shakespeare. Set in the Kingdom of Denmark, the play dramatizes the revenge…

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