Search Results

Pocket Island

Read by Roger Melin

Charles Clark Munn

Along the coast of Maine are littered thousands of small islands. One such, named 'Pocket Island' by the locals was so called because of a p…

Eben Holden - A Tale of the North Country

Read by Roger Melin

Irving Bacheller

Eben Holden - A Tale of the North Country. Having lost both parents and his home in northern Vermont, orphan Willie Brower is taken in by Eb…

Man Overboard

Read by Roger Melin

Francis Marion Crawford

Peculiar happenings aboard the schooner Helen B. Jackson when one night during a storm, the small crew found themselves diminished by one. S…

The Snow-Burner

Read by Roger Melin

Henry Oyen

The Snow-Burner is what the Native Americans called Reivers, and it was a rough and tumble life in the land where Reivers chose to live up t…

The Behavior of the Honey Bee in Pollen Collecting

Read by Roger Melin

D. B. Casteel

The value of the honey bee in cross pollinating the flowers of fruit trees makes it desirable that exact information be available concerning…

Janet of the Dunes

Read by Roger Melin

Harriet Theresa Comstock

Known primarily for her children's books, Harriet T. Comstock would occasionally depart from that genre and showcase her writing talent in a…

Jacqueline of Golden River

Read by Roger Melin

Victor Rousseau

Jacqueline seems to have contracted a touch of amnesia, as she is found in an apartment with a dead man, and with a weapon in her hand. But …

The Branding Iron

Read by Roger Melin

Katharine Newlin Burt

From the cold and mountainous regions of Wyoming to the bright lights of the big city, The Branding Iron is the story of a remarkable woman,…

The Trawler

Read by Roger Melin

James Brendan Connolly

The Trawler is a short story revolving around the trying life of a group of bank fishermen based in Gloucester. Skipper Hugh Glynn worked hi…

A Knyght Ther Was

Read by Roger Melin

Robert F. Young

"But the Knyght was a little less than perfect, and his horse did not have a metabolism, and his 'castle' was much more mobile - timewi…

Where the Path Breaks

Read by Roger Melin

Captain Charles De Créspigny

The soldier awakened from the brink of death eight months after his injury on the battlefield. As he slowly regained his senses and his memo…

The Great Taxicab Robbery

Read by Roger Melin

James H. Collins

In 1912, $25,000 was stolen during a bank transfer in New York City in broad daylight. In what may appear astonishing in today's world, the …


Read by Roger Melin

Katharine Newlin Burt

A bit of a menage-a-quatre in a remote cabin in the wilderness as fugitive Hugh, his younger brother Pete, nursemaid and cook Bella, and now…

Kentucky's Famous Feuds and Tragedies

Read by Roger Melin

Charles G. Mutzenberg

As this book will show, there have been a variety of clashes and feuds which have taken place in and near Kentucky over the years, primarily…

The Tyranny of Weakness

Read by Roger Melin

Charles Neville Buck

Torn between her love for her aging father, a minister steeped in the puritanical values of old New England, and the young Virginian who was…

Anything Once

Read by Roger Melin

Isabel Ostrander

An unlikely pair of wanderers they were; the orphan girl Lou and her travelling partner Jim Botts. Jim appeared in need of following some ap…

The Trial of Callista Blake

Read by Roger Melin

Edgar Pangborn

In 1959, in the state of New Essex, a witch was on trial. Or so she seemed to many of the jurors who would ultimately decide her fate, and t…

Pierre and Luce

Read by Roger Melin

Romain Rolland

Pierre and Luce were an unlikely young pair who found themselves in the chaos of Paris during the war; Pierre, the shy, recently conscripted…

The Lucky Piece: A Story of the North Woods

Read by Roger Melin

Albert Bigelow Paine

While riding a stage back to the city late in the summer, a youngster had no money to spend, and so gives his lucky piece as payment to a yo…

Away in the Wilderness

Read by Roger Melin

R. M. Ballantyne

Jasper Derry was on a mission. He had left the northern wilderness a few years earlier when he had worked for the Hudson's Bay Company, but …

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