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Prometheus and Pandora

In Bulfinch’s Mythology: The Age of Fable

Read by Jennifer Stearns

Thomas Bulfinch

Bulfinch’s Mythology, first published in 1855, is one of the most popular collections of mythology of all time. It consists of three volumes…

22 - The Mad-House Cell

In The String of Pearls

Read by Jennifer Stearns

Author Unknown

The tale of Sweeney Todd has had many incarnations, most famously the stage and movie musical by Stephen Sondheim. But it all started in 184…

Chapter 28

In Mansfield Park

Read by Jennifer Stearns

Jane Austen

Mansfield Park features Austen’s frailest and perhaps most scrupulous heroine, Fannie Price. As the eldest daughter in a poor family, Fannie…

Chapter 04

In Wuthering Heights

Read by Jennifer Stearns

Emily Brontë

A tale of passion and vengeance set in the bleak Yorkshire moors, Wuthering Heights depicts the mutual love of Catherine Earnshaw and Heathc…

Who Killed the Otter's Babies

In Childhood's Favorites and Fairy Stories

Read by Jennifer Stearns


Since this series of books is intended for all young people from oneto one hundred, it opens with about eighty of the old MOTHER GOOSERHYMES…

Ripple, the Water-Spirit

In Flower Fables

Read by Jennifer Stearns

Louisa May Alcott

Flower Fables is Louisa May Alcott's first book, penned at 16 for Ralph Waldo Emerson's daughter, Ellen.(Summary by Clarica)

Chapter 19- Little Heart's-Ease

In Work: A Story of Experience

Read by Jennifer Stearns

Louisa May Alcott

It is one of "several nineteenth-century novels [which] uncovers the changes in women's work in the new industrial era, as well as the …

You are Old, Father William - Read by JSS

In You are Old, Father William

Read by Jennifer Stearns

Lewis Carroll

LibriVox volunteers bring you 18 different recordings of You are Old, Father William by Lewis Carroll. This was the weekly poetry project fo…

Playing Pilgrims

In Little Women (version 4)

Read by Jennifer Stearns

Louisa May Alcott

Little Women is the classic story of the March family, which consists of Mr. and Mrs. March and their four girls–Practical, yet fashion cons…