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FMR 44 Alternatives to detention in the UK: from enforcement to engagement?

In Forced Migration Review

Read by Jerome Phelps


University of Oxford Podcasts

Gawayne and the Green Knight (Lewis Translation Version 2)

Read by Jerome Lawsen

The Gawain Poet, Charlton Miner Lewis and The Gawain Poettranslated Bycharlton Miner Lewis

Published in 1903, Gawayne and the Green Knight is a modern-language retelling of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, a 14th-century verse roma…

The Machine Stops (version 2)

Read by Jerome Lawsen

E. M. Forster

Published in 1909, this science fiction short story takes place in a future where mankind, seemingly no longer able to survive on earth's su…

The Blackmailer Warns his Victim

In Snarled Identities

Read by Phelps Laguna

Nicholas Carter

Nick Carter is a fictional detective who first appeared in 1886 in dime store novels. Over the years, different authors, all taking the nom …

Setuli, Or the King of the Birds - Swazi

In Myths and Legends Around the World - Collection 13

Read by Jerome Ware

Mrs. E.J. Bourhill

This collection is dedicated to recordings of short mythical or legendary works which are in the Public Domain. The stories tell of legends,…

How an Ikum Woman Abandoned One of Her Twins in the Forest, and How it was Save…

In Myths and Legends Around the World - Collection 15

Read by Jerome Ware

Elphinstone Dayrell

This collection is dedicated to recordings of short mythical or legendary works which are in the Public Domain. The stories tell of legends,…

Andrew Boone

In Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interview…

Read by Jerome Ware


These volumes of slave narratives are the product of the Federal Writers Project sponsored by the Library of Congress and the Work Project A…

Concerning the Human Sacrifices Which Took Place On the Death of Chief Indoma -…

In Myths and Legends Around the World - Collection 16

Read by Jerome Ware

Elphinstone Dayrell

This collection is dedicated to recordings of short mythical or legendary works which are in the Public Domain. The stories tell of legends,…