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Psychology of the Unconscious

Read by Jim Locke

Carl Gustav Jung

Jung says in his subtitle that this work is a study of the transformations and symbolisms of the libido and a contribution to the history of…

The Theory of Psychoanalysis

Read by Jim Locke

Carl Gustav Jung

Jung says the following in his introduction: "in these lectures I have attempted to reconcile my practical experiences in psychoanalysi…

Lady Jim of Curzon Street

Read by Jim Locke

Fergus Hume

Faced with bankruptcy and trapped in an unhappy marriage, Lady Jim Kaims has to solve her problems alone. After every decent way fails her, …

The Birth of Tragedy

Read by Jim Locke

Friedrich Nietzsche

In this famous early work of German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, he investigates the artistic characteristics of Apollonian (reason) and…

My Bondage and My Freedom

Read by Jim Locke

Frederick Douglass

The life of Frederick Douglass, recorded in the pages which follow, is not merely an example of self elevation under the most adverse circum…

Laws (version 2)

Read by Jim Locke


Laws (Greek: Νόμοι) is Plato's last and longest dialogue. It is generally agreed that Plato wrote this dialogue as an older man, having fail…

Early Greek Philosophy and Other Essays

Read by Jim Locke

Friedrich Nietzsche

The essays contained in this volume treat of various subjects. With the exception of perhaps one we must consider all these papers as fragme…

The Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche: Volume 3

Read by Jim Locke

Friedrich Nietzsche

Volume 3 of the complete works contains several short critical introductory essays, five lectures under the heading "On the Future of o…

The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1783

Read by Jim Locke

Alfred Thayer Mahan

The Influence of Sea Power Upon History: 1660–1783 is a history of naval warfare written in 1890 by Alfred Thayer Mahan. It details the role…

Monte-Cristo's Daughter

Read by Jim Locke

Edmund Flagg

"Monte-Cristo's Daughter," a wonderfully brilliant, original, exciting and absorbing novel, is the Sequel to "The Count of Mo…

The Pilot

Read by Jim Locke

James Fenimore Cooper

The work, which was admired by Herman Melville and Joseph Conrad for its authentic portrayal of a seafaring life and takes place during the …


Read by Jim Locke

Georg Ebers

The world knows the fate of the classic lovers Cleopatra and Mark Antony, so there is no need to announce a spoiler alert. Georg Ebers was a…

Smoke Bellew

Read by Jim Locke

Jack London

Smoke Bellew, or really Jack London, leaves his less than satisfying writing job in San Francisco for the opportunity to search for gold in …

Trial and Triumph

Read by Jim Locke

Frances E. W. Harper

This novel, like two other novels that Harper serialized in The Christian Recorder, sets forth the principles which make for a meaningful, m…

The Mabinogion, Volume 3

Read by Jim Locke

Anonymoustranslated Bycharlotte Guest and William James Mcglothlin

This is final volume of the Mabinogion. As with the other volumes, these Arthurian tales are translated from Welsh manuscripts and largely r…

The Chronicles of America Volume 01 - The Red Man's Continent

Read by Jim Locke

Ellsworth Huntington

Characteristics of the peoples and environment of the earliest stages of America. - Summary by Jim LockeGroup: Chronicles of America Series

The Sikh Religion: Its Gurus, Sacred Writings and Authors, Volume 5

Read by Jim Locke

Max Arthur Macauliffe

This is one of the first (and still one of the few) comprehensive books about the Sikh religion in the English language. MacAuliffe had exte…

Heroines of Fiction

Read by Jim Locke

William Dean Howells

This two-volume work includes heroines from the works of Eliot, Trollope, Hardy, Harte, Austen, Edgeworth, Scott, Dickens, Hawthorne, E. Bro…

The Life of Washington, Volume 1

Read by Jim Locke

John James Marshall

If it be true that it takes a great man to interpret the life of a great man then Bushrod Washington made no mistake in the selection of a b…


Read by Jim Locke

Jean Toomer

Reading this book, I had a vision of a land, heretofore sunk in the mists of muteness, suddenly rising up into the eminence of song. Innume…

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