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Вешние воды (Veshnie Vody)

Read by tovarisch

Ivan Turgenev

Основное повествование ведётся как воспоминания 52-летнего дворянина и помещика Санина о событиях 30-летней давности, случившихся в его жизн…


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Ivan Goncharov

Впервые опубликованный в 1869-м году в журнале «Вестник Европы», роман «Обрыв» как бы завершает «трилогию&raqu…

Дворянское гнездо (Dvoryanskoe gnezdo)

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Ivan Turgenev

Главным героем романа является Фёдор Иванович Лаврецкий, дворянин, имеющий многие черты самого Тургенева, например в том, что воспитан он бы…

A Sportsman's Sketches

Read by tovarisch

Ivan Turgenev

A Sportsman's Sketches (Russian: Записки охотника; also known as The Hunting Sketches and Sketches from a Hunter's Album) was an 1852 collec…

The Torrents of Spring

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Ivan Turgenev

The Torrents of Spring, also known as Spring Torrents (Russian: Вешние воды), is a novel written by Ivan Turgenev during 1870 and 1871 when …

Обыкновенная история

Read by tovarisch

Ivan Goncharov

Обыкновенная история» — роман воспитания, повествующий о взрослении молодого дворянина Александра Адуева. Полный противопоставлений (п…

A House of Gentlefolk

Read by tovarisch

Ivan Turgenev

The novel titled in Russian "Дворянское Гнездо" (Dvoryanskoye Gnezdo, sometimes translated as Home of the Gentry, A Nest of the Ge…

The Precipice

Read by tovarisch

Ivan Goncharov

The Precipice is a story of the romantic rivalry among three men, condemning nihilism as subverting the religious and moral values of Russia…

Записки охотника (Zapiski Okhotnika)

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Ivan Turgenev

Написанные и впервые вышедшие в свет в середине XIX века, "Записки Охотника" Ивана Сергеевича Тургенева открывают перед нами мир п…

The Cheery Way, a Bit of Verse for Every Day - February

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John Kendrick Bangs

There should be a bit of poetry in every day, and John Kendrick Bangs wrote a fitting poem for each day in the year. In 1920, a book was pub…

The Cheery Way, a Bit of Verse for Every Day - January

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John Kendrick Bangs

There should be a bit of poetry in every day, and John Kendrick Bangs wrote a fitting poem for each day in the year. In 1920, a book was pub…

Chto v imeni tebe moyom

In Librivox Multilingual Short Works Collection 008

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Aleksandr Pushkin and Alexander Pushkin

This is a collection of short pieces, poetry or prose, fiction and non-fiction, in several different languages (except standard English). Al…

Three Questions

In What Men Live By and Other Tales (Version 2)

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Leo Tolstoy

This is a collection of 4 stories by Leo Tolstoy, all dealing with the question asked in the title of the first story: What Does Man Live By…