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Benjamin Franklin

Read by Ciufi Galeazzi

Robin Mckown

This biography of Franklin was written for young people, but can be enjoyed by anyone. The author Robin McKown, is known for her young adul…

The Wright Brothers

Read by Ciufi Galeazzi

Fred Kelly

This is a biography of the Wright Brothers as told by the American humorist and newspaperman Fred Kelly, a personal friend of the Wrights. I…

Builders of United Italy

Read by Ciufi Galeazzi

Rupert S. Holland

Holland 's provides us with an engaging history of the Unification ("Risorgimento") of Italy by exploring the lives of some of i…

John Brown

Read by Ciufi Galeazzi

W. E. B. Du Bois

This is a moving and deeply felt biography of abolitionist John Brown, which defends its subject against the popular notion of him as a delu…

Giacomo Puccini

Read by Ciufi Galeazzi

Wakeling Dry

This biography of Puccini was written while the composer was at the height of his career. Besides the usual biographical information, the au…

Pierre Curie

Read by Ciufi Galeazzi

Marie Curie

This biography of the noted French physicist Pierre Curie was written by his wife, the renowned physicist Marie Curie. In it, she not only c…

Abigail Adams and Her Times

Read by Ciufi Galeazzi

Laura E. Howe Richards

This is a young person's biography of Abigail Adams that will appeal to readers of all ages. In the author's own words, "I am not writi…

Margaret Fuller (Marchesa Ossoli)

Read by Ciufi Galeazzi

Julia Ward Howe

A biography of the early feminist writer Margaret Fuller, a groundbreaking journalist and author of Woman in the Nineteenth Century, and one…

Frederick Douglass

Read by Ciufi Galeazzi

Booker T. Washington

An account of the life of Frederick Douglass, who escaped slavery to become one of the most important and influential abolitionists, authors…

Memories of the Civil War

Read by Ciufi Galeazzi

Henry B. James

Henry B James enlisted in the Union Army at the age of 20, and fought in many of the key battles of the Civil War. Thirty years later, he wr…

The ABC of Relativity

Read by Ciufi Galeazzi

Bertrand Russell

The ABC of Relativity clearly and engagingly explains Einstein's Theory of Relativity to the layperson. It is considered to be a significant…

The Home Life of Poe

Read by Ciufi Galeazzi

Susan Archer Weiss

The author of this biography of Poe, Susan Weiss, describes her work as follows: "I have not treated Poe in his character of poet or a…

The Life of Abraham Lincoln, Volume 1

Read by Ciufi Galeazzi

Ida M. Tarbell

Volume 1 of Ida Tarbell's biography of Lincoln covers his life from his boyhood to his election to the presidency in 1860. Tarbell, in addit…

Elsie Inglis - The Woman With the Torch

Read by Ciufi Galeazzi

Eva Shaw McLaren and Eva Shaw Mclaren

This is a brief biography of the Scottish physician and suffragist Dr. Elsie Inglis. Dr. Inglis founded a maternity hospital for the poor…

All in the Day's Work

Read by Ciufi Galeazzi

Ida M. Tarbell

In this autobiography, written when the author was 82 years old, Ida Tarbell looks back at her life and remarkable career as an investigativ…

The Life of Abraham Lincoln, Volume 2

Read by Ciufi Galeazzi

Ida M. Tarbell

Volume 2 of Ida Tarbell's biography of Lincoln begins at chapter 22 with Lincoln's first inauguration, and ends with an account of his funer…


Read by Ciufi Galeazzi

Bertrand Russell

Bertrand Russell was a well known mathematician, philosopher, and author. First published in England under the title "An Outline of Ph…

Daughter of the Sky: The Story of Amelia Earhart

Read by Ciufi Galeazzi

Paul L. Briand, Jr.

This is an engaging biography of the renowned aviator. In his introduction, Briand says, " Amelia Earhart was one of America’s great he…

A Book of Sibyls: Mrs. Barbauld, Miss Edgeworth, Mrs. Opie, Miss Austen

Read by Ciufi Galeazzi

Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie

This book is a biography of four woman authors whose names were well known by readers at the time of its publication (1883) : Anna Barbaud, …

The Jeffersonians, 1801-1829

Read by Ciufi Galeazzi

Richard B. Morris

In this short (58 page) work, Morris and Woodress present a selection of fascinating source materials to survey key events which occurred du…

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