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Sir Carroll Rae

In Against Odds

Read by Lynne T

Lawrence L. Lynch

Believed to have been written by Chicago socialite, Emma Murdock Van Deventer, this detective story set at the World's Fair follows Carl Mas…

Letters of a Woman Homesteader

Read by Lynne Carroll

Elinore Pruitt Stewart

The writer of the following letters is a young woman who lost her husband in a railroad accident and went to Denver to seek support for hers…

13 - Mary Austin

In The Women Who Make Our Novels

Read by Lynne Carroll

Grant M. Overton

”This book, the rather unpremeditated production of several months’ work, is by a man who is not a novelist and who is therefore entirely un…

Part 3 The Evidences of Evolution – Section 3 Paleontology – Chapter 25a Fossil…

In Organic Evolution

Read by Lynne Carroll

Richard Swann Lull

Organic Evolution is a college textbook that describes the mechanism of biological evolution by natural selection. It then explores the evid…

01 - Connie Willis

In Letters on an Elk Hunt

Read by Lynne Carroll

Elinore Pruitt Stewart

This is a sequel to Letters of a Woman Homesteader in which Elinore Rupert (Pruitt) Stewart describes her arrival and early years on a Burnt…