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Nippon read by Peter Yearsley

In Nippon

Read by Peter Yearsley

Alfred Noyes

LibriVox volunteers bring you eleven recordings of Nippon by Alfred Noyes. This was the weekly poetry project for the week of June 9th, 2007…

Kubla Khan read by Peter Yearsley

In Kubla Khan

Read by Peter Yearsley

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

LibriVox volunteers bring you 19 different recordings of Kubla Khan by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. This was the weekly poetry project for the w…

Dirge for Two Veterans read by Peter Yearsley

In Dirge for Two Veterans

Read by Peter Yearsley

Walt Whitman

In celebration of Memorial Day in the United States, 2007, LibriVox volunteers bring you twelve different recordings of Dirge for Two Vetera…

Man and Maid

Read by Peter Yearsley

E. Nesbit

A collection of the author's short stories for adults, with some supernatural ones. - Summary by Peter Yearsley

Grim Tales

Read by Peter Yearsley

E. Nesbit

A collection of gentle stories that draw us into that hidden world where fear is just around the next corner, and where loving hands can tou…

Tales of a Wayside Inn

Read by Peter Yearsley

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Mostly a collection of story-telling poems told by a group of friends in a tavern late one night. "Tales" includes the famous Paul…

The Stoneground Ghost Tales, Version 2

Read by Peter Yearsley

Edmund Gill Swain

A collection of gentle ghost stories set around a church by the fens in East Anglia. The author was an associate of Montague Rhodes James, …

Life in a Mediaeval City, Illustrated by York in the XVth Century

Read by Peter Yearsley

Edwin Benson

A short and gentle overview of mediaeval life in a large city. It lightly covers the class structure of society, local government, guilds, p…

The Book of the Cheese

Read by Peter Yearsley

Thomas Wilson Reid

"Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese" is a pub on Fleet Street, London. It was rebuilt after the Great Fire of 1666, and has been frequented …

The Story of Alchemy and the Beginnings of Chemistry

Read by Peter Yearsley

M. M. Pattison Muir

A light journey through the history of chemistry, from its start in the obscure mysteries of alchemy to what was, for the author, the cuttin…

On the Preparations of the Indian Hemp

Read by Peter Yearsley

William Brooke O'Shaughnessy

The author investigated the uses of cannabis resin as an anticonvulsant and relaxant in cases of tetanus, cholera, and infantile convulsions…

The Parenticide Club

Read by Peter Yearsley

Ambrose Bierce

Ambrose Bierce (1842 - 1914?), best known as journalist, satirist and short story writer. Cynical in outlook, economical in style; Bierce va…

Phallic Worship

Read by Peter Yearsley

Hargrave Jennings

A fairly scholarly, short survey of religious sexual symbols and practices from ancient times to the near-present, and within various countr…

Three Men on the Bummel

Read by Peter Yearsley

Jerome K. Jerome

Some time after "Three Men in a Boat", George, Harris and Jerome decided to go on a cycling holiday through Germany.This relaxed a…

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (version 3)

Read by Peter Yearsley

Lewis Carroll

"Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do ..." .. and from that mom…

The People of the Abyss

Read by Peter Yearsley

Jack London

Jack London lived for a time within the grim and grimy world of the East End of London, where half a million people scraped together hardly …

Ghost Stories of an Antiquary

Read by Peter Yearsley

M. R. James

Montague Rhodes James (1862-1936) was a medieval scholar; Provost of King’s College, Cambridge. He wrote many of his ghost stories to be rea…

The King in Yellow (part 1)

Read by Peter Yearsley

Robert W. Chambers

Robert W. Chambers (1865-1933) studied art in Paris in the late 80's and early 90's, where his work was displayed at the Salon. However, sho…

Present at a Hanging and Other Ghost Stories

Read by Peter Yearsley

Ambrose Bierce

Ambrose Bierce (1842 - 1914?), satirist, critic, poet, short story writer and journalist. His fiction showed a clean economical style often …

Sadhana, The Realisation of Life, version 2

Read by Peter Yearsley

Rabindranath Tagore

A collection of essays on the Hindu/Buddhist view of humankind's place in the universe. As the author says in his introduction: "in the…

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