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History of the Jews in Russia and Poland, Volume I, From the Beginning until t…

Read by S S Kim

Simon Dubnow

Simon Dubnow was born in 1860 to a poor Jewish family in Belarussian town of Mstsislaw and later became authority of Jewish history and an a…

History of the Jews in Russia and Poland Volume III, From the Accession of Nich…

Read by S S Kim

Simon Dubnow

Simon Dubnow was born in 1860 to a poor Jewish family in Belarussian town of Mstsislaw and later became authority of Jewish history and an a…

History of the Jews in Russia and Poland, Volume II, From the Death of Alexande…

Read by S S Kim

Simon Dubnow

Simon Dubnow was born in 1860 to a poor Jewish family in Belarussian town of Mstsislaw and later became an authority of Jewish history and a…

The Moors in Spain

Read by S S Kim

Stanley Lane-Poole

“The history of Spain offers us a melancholy contrast. Twelve hundred years ago, Tarik the Moor added the land of the Visigoths to the long …

Bismarck and the Foundation of the German Empire

Read by S S Kim

James Headlam-Morley

"It is hard to be an Emperor under such a Chancellor." lamented Wilhelm I, the first emperor of the German Empire. Otto von Bismar…

Part 2

In History of the Thirty Years War, Volume 4

Read by S S Kim

Friedrich Schiller

Volume Four covers the battle of Lutzen (November, 1633) to the death of Wallenstein (February, 1634) focusing on the reaction of the Protes…

Book 8, Chapter 5 Part 2: Spheres of Action - Mysticism

In History of the Inquisition of Spain, Vol. 4

Read by S S Kim

Henry Charles Lea

The fourth and final volume of Lea's monumental work on the Spanish Inquisition. This volume discusses how the Inquisition dealt with mystic…