Émile Zola

Read by Ezwa
J'accuse est le titre d'un article rédigé par Émile Zola lors de l'affaire Dreyfus et publié dans le journal L'A…
Therese Raquin

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
An unsatisfied wife kills her weak husband in order to carry on a sordid affair with another man. However, her selfish plans are spoiled whe…
Germinal (French)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Fresque sociale qui décrit les conditions de vie des mineurs au XIXème siècle, Germinal est le treizième roman d…
The Flood

Read by R. S. Steinberg
A well-to-do French farm family is destroyed by a flood. The story, thrilling to the very end, is told from the point of view of the family…
International Short Stories Volume 3: French Stories

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
The third book of a three volume anthology of international short stories, we now turn to French stories. Authors include Honoré de B…

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Émile François Zola (French pronunciation: [emil zɔˈla]) (2 April 1840 – 29 September 1902) was an influential French writer, …
The Ladies' Paradise

Read by Kristin G.
Zola's original French publication, Au Bonheur des Dames ("The Ladies' Delight"), published 1882, is the eleventh novel in his Rou…
His Masterpiece

Read by Lisa Reichert
“His Masterpiece" (“L’Oeuvre”) is a fictionalized account of the Parisian art world in the mid 19th century, and the emerging Realism, …
El ensueño

Read by Mongope
El ensueño es una obra que forma parte de la serie de veinte novelas que Zola tituló “Les Rougon- Macquart”. Entre “La tierra …
The Fortune of the Rougons

Read by Peter Tucker
The Fortune of the Rougons (French: La Fortune des Rougon), originally published in 1871, is the first novel in Émile Zola's monument…
Germinal (English )

Read by VfkaBT
This epic about French coal miners and the burgeoning labor movement is considered one of Zola's finest novels. - Summary by Matt Pierard
The Markets of Paris

Read by Celine Major
The Markets of Paris is a remarkable work, and is the one which Zola calls his very best novel, and of which he is far more proud than of an…
La fortune des Rougon

Read by Bidou
La Fortune des Rougon est le premier volume de la série Les Rougon-Macquart. Il se déroule dans une petite ville appelé…
L'Assommoir (la taberna)

Read by Mongope
Gervasia es planchadora y amante del sombrerero Lantier con quien tiene dos hijos, pero Lantier es vago y vividor lo que hace que Gervasia t…

Read by Peter Tucker
This book describes a five day national pilgrimage to the holy shrine of Lourdes, where miracle cures are hoped for. The central character i…

Read by Celine Major
Excerpt from Introduction:"Nana" stands third in popularity among the Zola novels. It is a study of the prostitute type and it giv…
L'Enterrement de Flaubert

Au Fil des lectures Texte de Emile Zola, lu par Victoria. "La mort de Gustave Flaubert a été pour nous tous un coup de fo…
Son Excellence Eugène Rougon

Read by Bidou
Dans la saga des Rougon-Macquart, « Son Excellence Eugène Rougon » est le roman des intrigues de pouvoir et des solidarit…
The Jolly Parisiennes and Other Novelettes

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
“The Jolly Parisiennes” by Émile Zola is a very clever, brilliant and interesting romance of a “grande passion” with an undercurrent …

Read by Peter Tucker
The Abbe Pierre Froment, after his experiences in Lourdes, has written a book expressing a vision of a new enlightened papacy. He visits Rom…
Les Obsèques de Maupassant
Au Fil des Lectures. Discours d'Émile Zola aux obsèques de Guy de Maupassant (7 juillet 1893), lu par R. Depasse (17min). &laq…
Una víctima de la publicidad

Read by Alba
Conocí a un chico, fallecido el año pasado, cuya vida fue un prolongado martirio. Desde que tuvo uso de razón, Claude s…
El ataque del molino

Read by Epachuko
La vida transcurre plácida en un pequeño pueblo francés donde el tio Merlier gestiona hábilmente su molino. Los …
Las fresas

Read by Alba
I Una mañana de junio, al abrir la ventana, recibí en el rostro un soplo de aire fresco. Durante la noche había habido …
Germinal (Español)

Read by Carlos Lombardi
La novela narra la historia de una huelga de mineros en el norte de Francia en la década de 1860. Cada trabajador se vuelve virtualme…
The Fortune of the Rougons, Book One of Rougon-Macquart Cycle (Version 2)

Read by Mark Leder
The first book in the 20-novel Rougon-Macquart Cycle. A monument of French naturalism. The sprawling tale of a family in Provence, during …
La leyenda del "Capita azul" del amor

Read by Alba
I Nació la hermosa niña de cabellos rojos en una mañana de Diciembre, cuando la nieve ca&i…
The Rush for the Spoil, Book Two of Rougon-Macquart Cycle

Read by Mark Leder
Book Two of Zola's 20-volume Rougon-Macquart Cycle. "The Rush for the Spoil" ("La Curee") concerns Aristide Siccard (on…
El gran Michú
Read by Alba
I Una siesta, a la hora del recreo, el gran Michú me llamó aparte, a un ángulo del patio. Su aire grave me produjo cie…
The Monomaniac (La bête humaine)

Read by Aaron Hackett
A jealous husband sets out to murder his wife's lover, setting in motion an unstoppable series of events. Witness to the murder is a train d…
The Fat and the Thin, Book Three of Rougon-Macquart Cycle

Read by Mark Leder
Florent, an escaped political prisoner, finds shelter with his half-brother Quenu, and his wife Lisa Quenu (a Macquart). They get him a job…
The Conquest of Plassans, Book Four of Rougon-Maquart Cycle

Read by Mark Leder
The placid Provencal lives of Francois Mouret and his wife Marthe are irreparably impacted by the arrival of a suspicious cleric, Abbe Fauja…
Multilingual Short Works Collection 030 - Poetry & Prose
Read by LibriVox Volunteers
This is our 30th collection of short pieces, poetry or prose, fiction and non-fiction, in several different languages (except standard Engli…
Cuentos a Ninon

Read by Carlos Lombardi
Cuentos a Ninon es un grupo de cuentos que involucra el género maravilloso, fantástico, el relato realista y hasta la fá…
Abbe Mouret's Transgression, Book Five of Rougon-Macquart Cycle
Read by Mark Leder
This, the fifth novel in Zola's Rougon-Macquart Cycle, serves effectively as a sequel to "The Conquest of Plassans". Serge Mouret…