Frank H. Spearman
Short Story Collection Vol. 053

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
A collection of 20 short works of fiction in the public domain read by a group of LibriVox members, including short stories by Melville, Bla…
Whispering Smith

Read by Bob R
Whispering Smith, like most of Frank Spearman's western novels (and some non-fiction as well) are set in the world of railroads, in the late…
Laramie Holds The Range

Read by Bob R
As with most of Frank Spearman's novels (and non-fiction), "Laramie Holds the Range" is set in the West during our early railroad …
Robert Kimberly

Read by Bob R
The novel is set among the wealthy of the Northeast in the USA of the early 1900's. A close knit group of about ten couples in high society …
The Daughter of a Magnate

Read by Bob R
This is an American Western without any bad guys. The main characters are trains, and the elements---snow, terrain, weather and water. Fra…