Frederick Marryat

The Children of the New Forest (version 2)

Read by Nick Whitley

The Children of the New Forest is a children's novel published in 1847 by Frederick Marryat. It is set in the time of the English Civil War …

Sea Stories

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Most of us have passed through a period of life during which we have ardently longed to be, if not actually a rover, a buccaneer, or a pirat…

Mr. Midshipman Easy

Read by Adrian Praetzellis

One of the first novel-length pieces of nautical fiction, MR. MIDSHIPMAN EASY (1836) is a funny and easygoing account of the adventures of J…

The Children of the New Forest

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

The children of Colonel Beverley, a Cavalier officer killed at the Battle of Naseby are believed to have died in the flames when their house…

The Naval Officer, or Scenes in the Life and Adventures of Frank Mildmay

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Marryat was a midshipman under Captain Cochrane and this, his first naval adventure, is considered to be a highly autobiographical telling o…

Jacob Faithful

Read by NoelBadrian

Rebelling against the career chosen for him by his wealthy family, Frederic Marryat joined the Royal Navy in 1806 at the age of 14. He first…

International Short Stories Volume 2: English Stories

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

The second volume of a 3 volume anthology, this work focuses on 'English' short stories, although it includes writers from other parts of th…


Read by Arnold

This is a quite amusing nautical tale of the British Navy of the around the year 1700. While, as with much early 'humor', it is somewhat h…

Short Ghost and Horror Collection 031

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

A collection of twenty stories featuring ghoulies, ghosties, long-leggedy beasties and things that go bump in the night. Expect shivers up …

Peter Simple

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Peter Simple, 'the fool of the family', son of a parson but heir presumptive to a title, goes to sea as midshipman during the Napoleonic war…

Børnene i Nyskoven

Read by Lulularsen

Handlingen foregår i 1600-tallet under den Engelske borgerkrig. Fire forældreløse adelsbørn må flygte fra de…

Short Ghost and Horror Collection 038

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

A collection of twenty one stories featuring ghoulies, ghosties, vampires, huge rats and things that go bump in the night. Expect shivers up…

The Pirate, and The Three Cutters

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Pirates are the subject of many a dime novel and boys' stories, but they tend to be portrayed as one-dimensional. Such is the case here. The…

The Phantom Ship

Read by Andy Sames

A saga retelling of the fable of the Ancient Mariner/Flying Dutchman.Set in the mid-17th century we follow the exploits of Philip Vanderdeck…


Read by Harri Tapani Ylilammi

Frederick Marryatin Merirosvo on meriaiheinen seikkailukertomus, joka kertoo kaksoisveljien tarinan. Se sijoittuu 1790-luvulle, jolloin laiv…

First Chapter Collection 003

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

LibriVox First Chapter Collection 003 - a collection of the first chapters of 15 different books, chosen by LibriVox volunteers. This volum…