Peter Piper's Practical Principles of Plain and Perfect Pronunciation
William James Mcglothlin
Read by LibriVox Volunteers

2020 is not a year we want to remember very much. But all this social distancing and quarantine isolation has produced a bumper crop of Librivox recordings: we passed our previous highest number of catalog releases in one year (1083) in mid-October. A competition to estimate what the total would be at the end of the year ensued, and losers have atoned for guessing wrong by contributing a stanza of this tongue-twister poem. The winner, Rosebud, picked 1337, the closest guess to the actual 1336 2020 catalog releases as of midnight 31 Dec.
- Summary by ToddHW (0 hr 8 min)
Peter Piper Poem | 8:18 | Read by LibriVox Volunteers |